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[英]Priority and association of terms in an expression evaluator with exponentiation operator

I am developing an expression evaluator.我正在开发一个表达式评估器。 Which association is considered to be correct for an expression containing more than one exponentiation operator?对于包含多个幂运算符的表达式,哪个关联被认为是正确的? For example, for the expression "10-2^2^0.5" : "10-(2^2) ^0.5"= 8 or "10-2^ (2^0.5)" = 7.33485585731 ?例如,对于表达式"10-2^2^0.5""10-(2^2) ^0.5"= 8"10-2^ (2^0.5)" = 7.33485585731

The result differs across languages and (possible) interpreters.结果因语言和(可能的)解释器而异。 However, most of them uses right-associative rule.但是,它们中的大多数使用右关联规则。 In Lua print(10-2^2^0.5) returns 7.3348 and in Visual Basic, Console.WriteLine(10-2^2^0.5) returns 8. The fact that different systems uses different rules suggest me that there is no defined rule for that.在 Lua print(10-2^2^0.5)返回 7.3348 而在 Visual Basic 中, Console.WriteLine(10-2^2^0.5)返回 8。不同系统使用不同规则的事实表明我没有定义规则为了那个原因。

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