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将图像添加到 label 时,JFrame 上没有显示图像

[英]No image showing on JFrame when adding image to label

I have written some lines of code that supposed to show the image as a label in the JFrame.我已经编写了一些代码行,应该在 JFrame 中将图像显示为 label。 Here is the code.这是代码。

ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("funny.jpg");

JLabel label = new JLabel();

JFrame frame = new JFrame();

As you were prompted in the comments of your question, I think you should take care of ensuring that the file exists in the specified location, and using getResource for example.正如您在问题的评论中被提示的那样,我认为您应该注意确保文件存在于指定位置,例如使用getResource

Other than that, you are not utilizing the image's observer pattern for the JLabel .除此之外,您没有将图像的观察者模式用于JLabel Try setting the ImageObserver of the image to label , like so:尝试将imageImageObserver设置为label ,如下所示:

ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("funny.jpg");

JLabel label = new JLabel();
image.setImageObserver(label); // <-- Added this line.

JFrame frame = new JFrame();

Else, see the corresponding documentation on setImageObserver .否则,请参阅setImageObserver上的相应文档

You can also check the corresponding tutorials' section .您也可以查看相应的教程部分

That happens to be because, as far as I know, ImageIcon uses a MediaTracker to load the image asynchronously, so when you construct an instance of an ImageIcon it will return without first blocking until the image is fully loaded.这恰好是因为,据我所知, ImageIcon使用MediaTracker异步加载图像,因此当您构造ImageIcon的实例时,它将返回而不会首先阻塞,直到图像完全加载。 Setting the ImageObserver of the ImageIcon will ensure that the ImageObserver you supplied will get notified about the state of loading the image when the state changes.设置ImageIconImageObserver将确保您提供的ImageObserver将在 state 更改时收到有关加载图像的 state 的通知。 The default implementation of Component (which is an ImageObserver ) repaints itself so you will then be able to see the image fully loaded, when it is ready. Component (它是一个ImageObserver )的默认实现会重新绘制自身,因此您将能够在图像准备好时看到完全加载的图像。

As an alternative, you can always use ImageIO#read which will block until the image is fully loaded into memory (but it will only return a single frame in an animated GIF image for example).作为替代方案,您始终可以使用ImageIO#read它将阻塞直到图像完全加载到 memory (但它只会返回动画 GIF 图像中的单个)。

I did not test it though, but that's a problem I encouter very often so I think it should work.虽然我没有测试它,但这是我经常遇到的一个问题,所以我认为它应该可以工作。 If it did or it didn't, let me know.如果有或没有,请告诉我。

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