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PayPal NVP:TimeZone 字段中可以显示哪些值?

[英]PayPal NVP: what values can appear in the TimeZone field?

My app uses the TransactionSearch and GetTransactionDetails functions of PayPal's NVP API.我的应用程序使用 PayPal 的 NVP API 的TransactionSearchGetTransactionDetails功能。 The data that comes back from PayPal includes Date , Time , and TimeZone .从 PayPal 返回的数据包括DateTimeTimeZone I need to adapt my app to determine the GMT (British) date when each transaction took place.我需要调整我的应用程序以确定每笔交易发生时的 GMT(英国)日期。

In the NVP documentation I can find currency codes and country codes, but not time zone codes;在 NVP 文档中,我可以找到货币代码和国家代码,但找不到时区代码; and I am aware that they are not well standardised (eg "CST" may refer to 4 different zones: see looking up time zone standard name by abbreviation in.Net ).而且我知道它们没有很好地标准化(例如,“CST”可能指的是 4 个不同的区域:请参阅在.Net 中通过缩写查找时区标准名称)。

So: what is the full list of possible values that can appear in PayPal's TimeZone field, and their meanings?那么:可以出现在 PayPal 的TimeZone字段中的可能值的完整列表以及它们的含义是什么?

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