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[英]Create a sublist from list of dictionaries

I want to create a sublist from current list of dictionaries base on dictionary key.我想根据字典键从当前字典列表创建一个子列表。

My data:我的数据:

[{'0': 2}, {'0': 1}, {'1': 2}, {'2': 2}, {'2': 2}]

Data which I want to achieve:我想要实现的数据:

[ [{'0': 2}, {'0': 1}], [{'1': 2}], [{'2': 2}, {'2': 2}] ]

As you can see internal arrays contain a dictionary with the same value of the key.如您所见,内部 arrays 包含具有相同键值的字典。

My code current code is like:我的代码当前代码如下:

dicts = [{'0': 2}, {'0': 1}, {'1': 2}, {'2': 2}, {'2': 2}]

ex_list = []
sublist = []
for group in dicts:
  if group.keys() in sublist:
    if group.keys() != sublist[-1]:
      sublist = []

Any help highly appreciated.任何帮助高度赞赏。

See inline comments for explanation.有关解释,请参阅内联注释。

from collections import defaultdict

dicts = [{'0': 2}, {'0': 1}, {'1': 2}, {'2': 2}, {'2': 2}]

# keep track of mapping between key and values.
result = defaultdict(list)

for d in dicts:
    # d.items() returns an iterable of key/value pairs.
    # assuming each dictionary only has one key/value pair,
    # using next(iter()), we get the first pair, and pattern-match on key and val.
    key, val = next(iter(d.items())):

    # with defaultdict, if key is not present in the result dictionary,
    # the list will be created automatically.

# results = {0: [2,1], 1: [2], 2: [2,2]}
# for each key, values pair in results, create a list of {key: value}
# dictionaries for each value in values.

print([[{key: value} for value in values] for key, values in result.items()])

If you want to stay close to your program, you should keep track of the current and last key I've rewritten a little bit of your code and it got the job done.如果你想靠近你的程序,你应该跟踪当前和最后一个键,我已经重写了你的代码,它完成了工作。

dicts = [{'0': 2}, {'0': 1}, {'1': 2}, {'2': 2}, {'2': 2}]

ex_list = []
sublist = []
lastkey = list(dicts[0].keys())[0]

for group in dicts:
  key = list(group.keys())[0]
  if key == lastkey:
  else: # If key has change
    sublist = []
    lastkey = key
ex_list.append(sublist) #Don't forget to include last sublist as the loop doesn't include it since no change in key


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