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如何计算一组 x、y 坐标和位置变量之间的距离?

[英]How do I calculate the distance between a set x, y coordinate and location variables?

For context im trying to convert this code in python that takes a location on a minecraft map of the earth, takes multiple warps from around the map and sends the user an image on discord with the nearest warp with a line going between the inputed location and the warp location For context im trying to convert this code in python that takes a location on a minecraft map of the earth, takes multiple warps from around the map and sends the user an image on discord with the nearest warp with a line going between the inputed location and经线位置

import discord
import os
from discord.ext import commands
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from io import BytesIO
import time

eco = []

NearestLand = ''
NearestCoords = []
sa = 0
side = ''

spawnPoints = {
    "Oceania Spawn": [16801, 2761],
    "Antartica Spawn": [8178, 8661],
    "Europe Spawn": [-386, -4782],
    "Asia Spawn": [12808, -3192],
    "Africa Spawn": [2420, 3738],
    "North America Spawn": [-10288, -4852],
    "South America Spawn": [-6487, 1360],
    "Soviet Nexus": [16507,-6595],
    "Ryvendor Warp-Pad":[9640,-2390],
    "Gulag Warp-Pad":[11741,-4596],
    "Soviet-Serbia Base Warp-Pad":[-10137,-5374],
    "KGB HQ Warp-Pad":[12958,-5627],

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!')

async def on_ready():
    print('Bot Started.')
    await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name="For Intruders"))
async def test(ctx):
    await ctx.send('All systems functioninal comrade!')

async def envoy(ctx, x, y):

    await ctx.send("Calculating Comrade!")

    lowest = 1000000000
    eco = [x, y]
    for i in range(0, 2):
        eco[i] = int(eco[i])
    print("Crate's Coordinates at X = {x}, Y = {y}".format(x=eco[0], y=eco[1]))
    # print(eco)
    # print(spawnPoints.get('Oceania'))
    for i in spawnPoints:
        z = math.dist(spawnPoints[i], eco)
        # print("From {spawn}, ".format(spawn = str(i)) + str(z) + " blocks away.")
        if lowest >= z:
            lowest = z
            # print("The lowest distance is at: " + str(lowest) + ", at "+ i)
            NearestLand = i
            NearestCoords = spawnPoints[i]
            print("newNearDist: " + str(math.dist(spawnPoints[i], eco)))

    await ctx.send("The nearest warp point is on {nl}, and the distance is {z}.".format
    (nl=NearestLand, z=round(lowest, 2)))

    xmap = Image.open("map.jpg")
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(xmap)
        ((int(NearestCoords[0]) + 21472) / 10,
        (int(NearestCoords[1]) + 10735) / 10,
        (int(x) + 21472) / 10,
        (int(y) + 10735) / 10),
        fill = (255, 0, 0),
        width = 10)

    ((((int(x) + 21472) / 10) - 25),

    (((int(y) + 10735) / 10) - 25),

    (((int(x) + 21472) / 10) + 25),

    (((int(y) + 10735) / 10) + 25)),
    fill = (255, 0, 0),
    width = 25)

    #draw.line(((42975 - x)/10), ((21471 - y)/10))
    print("Saved! Uploading...")
    await ctx.send(file = discord.File("xmap.jpg"))

async def envoys(ctx, x, y):

    await ctx.send("Calculating...")

    lowest = 1000000000
    eco = [x, y]
    for i in range(0, 2):
        eco[i] = int(eco[i])
    print("Crate's Coordinates at X = {x}, Y = {y}".format(x=eco[0], y=eco[1]))
    # print(eco)
    # print(spawnPoints.get('Oceania'))
    for i in spawnPoints:
        z = math.dist(spawnPoints[i], eco)
        # print("From {spawn}, ".format(spawn = str(i)) + str(z) + " blocks away.")
        if lowest >= z:
            lowest = z
            # print("The lowest distance is at: " + str(lowest) + ", at "+ i)
            NearestLand = i
            NearestCoords = spawnPoints[i]
            print("newNearDist: " + str(math.dist(spawnPoints[i], eco)))

    await ctx.send("The nearest warp point is on {nl}, and the distance is {z}.".format
    (nl=NearestLand, z=round(lowest, 2)))

    xmap = Image.open("map.jpg")
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(xmap)
        ((int(NearestCoords[0]) + 21472) / 10,
        (int(NearestCoords[1]) + 10735) / 10,
        (int(x) + 21472) / 10,
        (int(y) + 10735) / 10),
        fill = (255, 0, 0),
        width = 10)

    ((((int(x) + 21472) / 10) - 25),

    (((int(y) + 10735) / 10) - 25),

    (((int(x) + 21472) / 10) + 25),

    (((int(y) + 10735) / 10) + 25)),
    fill = (255, 0, 0),
    width = 25)

    #draw.line(((42975 - x)/10), ((21471 - y)/10))
    print("Saved! Uploading...")
    await ctx.send(file = discord.File("xmap.jpg"))


Into node, This is what I have so far:进入节点,这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fs = require('file-system');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { prefix } = require('config.json');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();

client.on('ready', () => console.log('The Bot is ready!'));

client.user.setActivity("For Intruders", { type: "WATCHING" });

const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));

for (const file of commandFiles) {
  const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
  client.commands.set(command.name, command);


What im stumpted on is how to calculate the distance between the locations and the inputted location heres my config.json.我难过的是如何计算位置和输入位置之间的距离,这是我的 config.json。

  "prefix": "!",
  "spawnPoints": {
    "Oceania Spawn": "16801, 2761",
    "Antartica Spawn": "8178, 8661",
    "Europe Spawn": "-386, -4782",
    "Asia Spawn": "12808, -3192",
    "Africa Spawn": "2420, 3738",
    "North America Spawn": "-10288, -4852",
    "South America Spawn": "-6487, 1360",
    "Soviet Nexus": "16507,-6595",
    "Ryvendor Warp-Pad": "9640,-2390",
    "Gulag Warp-Pad": "11741,-4596",
    "Soviet-Serbia Base Warp-Pad": "-10137,-5374",
    "KGB HQ Warp-Pad": "12958,-5627",

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Use the distance formula, and make it into a function.使用距离公式,将其变为 function。

For example, here is my interpretation:例如,这是我的解释:

import math

def distanceFormula(x1,y1,x2,y2):
  distance = math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
  return distance

In the case that it is a 3 dimensional space, with z, do the same thing, except add another z1 and z2, like so:在它是一个 3 维空间的情况下,使用 z,做同样的事情,除了添加另一个 z1 和 z2,如下所示:

import math

def distanceFormula(x1,y1,x2,y2, z1,z2):
  distance = math.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2)
  return distance

Or for a generalized N-dimensional space, you could pass two lists or tuples containing N values and get the distance between them with:或者对于广义的 N 维空间,您可以传递两个包含 N 个值的列表或元组,并通过以下方式获取它们之间的距离:

import math

def distanceFormula(p1, p2):
  distance = math.sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(p1, p2)))
  return distance

If you want to use modules, then do:如果要使用模块,请执行以下操作:

import numpy as np

point_a = np.array((x,y,z))
point_b = np.array((x2,y2,z2))

print(np.linalg.norm(point_a - point_b))

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