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使用 WinUI 3 (Project Reunion) 开发应用程序时,有没有办法将应用程序设置为全屏模式?

[英]Is there a way to set app to fullscreen mode when developing an app with WinUI 3 (Project Reunion)?

There doesn't appear to be any options for setting my app to fullscreen mode while building WinUI3/Project Reunion-based apps.在构建基于 WinUI3/Project Reunion 的应用程序时,似乎没有任何选项可将我的应用程序设置为全屏模式。 Am I missing something?我错过了什么吗?

Yes there are no options.是的,没有选择。 You have to wait until at least 0.8.你必须等到至少 0.8。 Top-level Windows management is still not production ready at the moment.顶级 Windows 管理目前仍未准备好生产。 You can find it on the older WinUI3 roadmap.您可以在较旧的 WinUI3 路线图上找到它。

And I personally wouldn't assume that it's good enough in 0.8 and assume that we have to wait until 1.0 at the end of year.而且我个人不会假设它在 0.8 中已经足够好,并假设我们必须等到年底的 1.0。

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