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Typescript 使用基于联合类型的键创建类型

[英]Typescript creating a type with keys based on union type

I have a translation object that can have keys corresponding to all of the languages a string might be translated in and the values being the translated strings, like so:我有一个翻译 object ,它可以有对应于所有语言的键,字符串可能被翻译,值是翻译的字符串,如下所示:

const trans = {
  en: "Hello, how is it going?",
  de: "Hallo, wie gehts?",
  da: "Hej, hvordan går det?"

I am currently typing the object like so:我目前正在输入 object,如下所示:

type TransType = {
  [key: string]: string;

But I also have a union type used in other places to control what languages can be implemented:但我也有其他地方使用的联合类型来控制可以实现哪些语言:

type Languages = "en" | "de" | "da";

How can I bring these two together and control what keys can be used in the trans object based on the Languages union type?如何将这两者结合在一起并根据语言联合类型控制在反 object 中可以使用哪些键?

You can use a mapped type for this ( docs ):您可以为此使用映射类型( 文档):

type Languages = "en" | "de" | "da"

type TransType = {
  [key in Languages]: string
// infers TransType = { en: string, de: string, da: string }

const trans: TransType = {
  en: "Hello, how is it going?",
  de: "Hallo, wie gehts?",
  da: "Hej, hvordan går det?",
  nl: "Onbekende taal" // Error, as 'nl' is not in Languages

Or, as rshepp mentioned, you can use the Record utility type ( docs , src ), which will define the same mapped type:或者,正如 rshepp 所提到的,您可以使用Record实用程序类型( docssrc ),它将定义相同的映射类型:

type TransType = Record<Languages, string>

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