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[英]How to mock a full module?

I have a module B that I want to test.我有一个要测试的模块B This module depends on the module A that I don't want to test.该模块依赖于我不想测试的模块A Here is an example of my package B :这是我的 package B的示例:

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use A;

package B;
sub to_test {
    return A::a();

In my unit test, I would like to call B::to_test but I want to manually specify what value A::a() must return.在我的单元测试中,我想调用B::to_test但我想手动指定A::a()必须返回的值。 To do that, I have written a module MockA.pm that contains all the subs of A to mock:为此,我编写了一个模块MockA.pm ,其中包含要模拟的A的所有子项:

use strict;
use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all';

package Mock::A;

sub a {
    return "From mock";

I know I can easily mock A::a using Test::MockModule , the problem is the package A may contain a lot of subs and Test::MockModule lets me mock them only one by one.我知道我可以使用Test::MockModule轻松模拟A::a ,问题是 package A可能包含很多 subs 并且Test::MockModule让我只能一个一个地模拟它们。

How can I mock the full A package with MockA ?如何使用 MockA 模拟完整A MockA

The existing answer shows how to replace parts of a module, which is quite sensible.现有的答案显示了如何替换模块的一部分,这是非常明智的。

But if you wanted to replace the module entirely (to the point that the original doesn't even need to be installed), you can use the following:但是,如果您想完全替换模块(甚至不需要安装原始模块),您可以使用以下内容:

# Use the name of the package we're mocking.
package A;


# Tell Perl that the module we're mocking has been loaded.
$INC{ ( __PACKAGE__ =~ s{::}{/}rg ) . '.pm' } = 1;

use MockA; must appear before any instances of use A;必须出现在use A; . .

It is possible to redefine the subs defined in the package A by the subs in MockA .可以通过 MockA 中的 subs 重新定义MockA A中定义的 subs。 To do that, there are three conditions:要做到这一点,需要满足三个条件:

  • MockA must define the same package than A ; MockA必须定义与A相同的 package ;
  • MockA must be included after all the inclusions of A ;A所有包含之后必须包含MockA
  • The warning redefine must not be fatal.警告redefine不能是致命的。

The file MockA.pm can be the following:文件MockA.pm可以是以下内容:

use strict;
# No fatal error if a sub is redefined
use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all', 'NONFATAL' => 'redefine';

# Override package A
package A;

sub a {
    return "From mock";

And, in the unit test:并且,在单元测试中:

use B; # B includes A
use MockA; # MockA overrides A

B::to_test() # B calls MockA::a

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