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[英]Can I use SQL cache dependency with SubSonic?

I want to use SQL cache dependency with SubSonic. 我想对SubSonic使用SQL缓存依赖项。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

I highly doubt you can do that - the SQL cache dependency model is based on the SqlCommand object in ADO.NET - SubSonic totally replaces that. 我非常怀疑您能做到这一点-SQL缓存依赖关系模型基于ADO.NET中的SqlCommand对象-SubSonic完全替代了它。 So unless there's something directly built into SubSonic (I don't know it well enough to answer that), I am afraid you're probably out of luck. 因此,除非在SubSonic中直接内置了某些功能(我不太了解该功能),否则恐怕您可能不走运。


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