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带有父子记录的 Rails group_by 查询

[英]Rails group_by query with parent & child records

I am trying to get all the users who may Buy Sell or Create by counting the time like the below我正在尝试通过Sell Buy Create的用户

I want to like this below example我想喜欢下面的例子

2021 (0)

2020 (0)

2019 (4)
    January (2)
        -> Buy (1) // Specifically with records date if possible
        -> Sell (1)
    August (1)
        -> Create (1)

    September (1)
        -> Buy (1)

2018 (3)
    January (2)
        -> Buy (1) // Specifically with records date if possible 
        -> Sell (1)
    August (1)
        -> Create (1)

And so on........

And I was trying something like below我正在尝试类似下面的事情

// controller 

@user = User.find(params[:user_id])
@records = @user.records.joins(:task)
.where(tasks: {name: ["Buy", "Sell", "Create"]})
.group_by {|t| t.created_at.beginning_of_year}

// view.html.erb

<% @records.each do |y, h| %>
    <%= y.strftime("%Y") %>
    <% h.each do |f| %>
        <%= f.task.name %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

Output like below


here are below my models & tables, I was trying several ways but still didn't get that.下面是我的模型和表格,我尝试了几种方法但仍然没有得到。

//table users
has_many :records, dependent: :destroy

id | name | etc... |
1  | john | etc    |
2  | alex | etc    |

//table tasks
has_many :records, dependent: :destroy

id | name   |
1  | Buy    |
2  | Sell   |
3  | Create |

//table records
belongs_to :task, required: true
belongs_to :user, required: true
id | user_id | task_id | created_at |
1  | 2       | 2       | timestamps |
2 | 1        | 1       | timestamps |
3 | 1        | 2       | timestamps |

Thanks in Advance提前致谢

instead of querying the user query the records table directly with the user_id and the task names then perform 3 group_by (s) first group_by is on the year the the task was created the second group_by is for the month and the third is for the task name而不是查询用户直接使用user_id和任务名称查询记录表,然后执行 3 group_by (s) 第一个group_by是创建任务的年份,第二个 group_by 是月份,第三个是任务名称

The code to look up the task查找任务的代码

records = Record.joins(:user, :task).where(users: {id: @user.id}, tasks: {name: ["Buy", "Sell", "Create"]})
records_grouped_by_year = records.group_by { |e| e.created_at.year }.sort.to_h
# now you will get a list of tasks in a hash with keys as years { 2018 => [record1, record2, record3, record4]}

records_grouped_by_year_month = records_grouped_by_year.transform_values { |records| records.group_by { |r| r.created_at.strftime("%B") }) }
# now you will get a hash inside a hash first key is year second key is month the record was created in { 2018 => {"January"=>[record1, record2, record4], "August" => [record3]}

records_grouped_by_year_month_name = records_grouped_by_year_month.transform_values { |records| records.transform_values { |record| tasks.group_by { |r| r.taks.name } } }
# now you will get 3 nested hashes first key is year second key is month and third key is the record name { 2018 => {"January"=>{"Sell=>[record1, record2], "Buy=>[record4]}, "August" => { "Buy" => [record3]}}}

(records.key.first..Time.current.year).each { |year| records_grouped_by_year_month_name[year] ||= {} }
# now it will add an empty hash for each year that didn't exists in the records

In your view:在您看来:

<% task_count_grouped_by_year_grouped_by_name.each do |year, data_by_month| %>
    <h1>  <%= year %> </h1>
    <% if data_by_month.blank? %>
        <%= there was not sale on this year %>
    <% else %>
        <% data_by_month.each do |month, data_by_name| %>
            <h2>  <%= month %> </h2>
            <% data_by_name.each do |task_name, records| %>
                <br /> <bold><%= task_name %></bold> -> (<%= records.count %>) <% # 
    you have the records here as an array so you can do whatever you want with them %>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

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