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打开 Angular Web 页面app-root找不到

[英]Open Angular Web Page app-root can't be found

VS 2019, building an AspNet Core application including Angular project. VS 2019,构建一个 AspNet Core 应用程序,包括 Angular 项目。 Using ng build, the client app compiles without errors.使用 ng build,客户端应用程序编译没有错误。 But, when I navigate to the page I get an error that "app-root" did not match.但是,当我导航到该页面时,我收到“app-root”不匹配的错误。


I've googled to no avail.我用谷歌搜索无济于事。 Somebody help me with this, please!请有人帮我解决这个问题!


I guess your index.html does not have app-root .我猜你的index.html没有app-root Check your index.html has this element.检查你的index.html有这个元素。


  <app-root></app-root>   <!-- check your index.html has this line. -->

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