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ELK 使用 Grafana 而不是 Kibana 用于集中式日志

[英]ELK with Grafana instead of Kibana for centralized log

When comes to centralized log tools, I see lot of comparison of ELK vs EFK vs Loki vs other.当谈到集中式日志工具时,我看到了很多 ELK、EFK、Loki 和其他的比较。

But I have hard time to actually see information about "ELG", ELK (or EFK) but with Grafana instead of Kibana.但是我很难真正看到有关“ELG”、ELK(或 EFK)的信息,但使用的是 Grafana 而不是 Kibana。

I know Grafana can use Elasticsearch as datasource, so it should be technically working.我知道 Grafana 可以使用 Elasticsearch 作为数据源,所以它应该在技术上工作。 But how good is it?但它有多好? Any drawback compare to using Kibana?与使用 Kibana 相比有什么缺点吗? Maybe there are more existing dashboard for Kibana than Grafana when it comes to log?在日志方面,Kibana 的现有仪表板可能比 Grafana 更多?

I am asking this as I would like to have one UI system for both my metrics dashboard and my logs dashboard.我问这个是因为我希望我的指标仪表板和日志仪表板都有一个 UI 系统。

Kibana is part of the stack, so it is deeply integrated with elasticsearch, you have a lot of pre-built dashboards and apps inside Kibana like SIEM and Observability. Kibana 是堆栈的一部分,因此它与 elasticsearch 深度集成,您在 Kibana 中有很多预构建的仪表板和应用程序,例如 SIEM 和 Observability。 If you use filebeat, metricbeat or any other beat to collect data it will have a lot of dashboards for a lot of systems, services and devices, so it is pretty easy to visualize your data without having to do a lot of work, basically you just need to follow the documentation.如果您使用 filebeat、metricbeat 或任何其他 beat 来收集数据,它将为大量系统、服务和设备提供大量仪表板,因此无需做大量工作即可轻松可视化您的数据,基本上是您只需要遵循文档。

But if you have some data that doesn't fit with one of pre-built dashboards, or want more flexibility and creat your own dashboards, Kibana needs more work than Grafana, and Kibana also only works with elasticsearch, so if you have other datasources you would need to put the data in elasticsearch.但是如果你有一些数据不适合预建的仪表板之一,或者想要更大的灵活性并创建自己的仪表板,Kibana 需要比 Grafana 更多的工作,而且 Kibana 也只适用于 elasticsearch,所以如果你有其他数据源您需要将数据放入 elasticsearch 中。 Also, if you want to have map visualizations, Kibana Map app is pretty good.此外,如果您想要 map 可视化,Kibana Map 应用程序非常好。

The Grafana plugin for Elasticsearch has some small bugs, but in overall it works fine, things probably will change for better since Elastic and Grafana made a partnership to improve the plugin. Elasticsearch 的 Grafana 插件有一些小错误,但总的来说它工作正常,由于 Elastic 和 Grafana 合作改进插件,事情可能会变得更好。

So, if all your data is in elasticsearch, use Kibana, if you have different datasources, use grafana.因此,如果您的所有数据都在 elasticsearch 中,请使用 Kibana,如果您有不同的数据源,请使用 grafana。

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