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Azure 服务总线主题请求与消息

[英]Azure Service Bus Topic Requests vs Messages

I need help interpreting these graphs:我需要帮助解释这些图表: 在此处输入图像描述

It has 0 subscriptions.它有 0 个订阅。 Does this mean nothing is reading from this topic?这是否意味着没有从该主题中读取内容?

Looking at the Messages graph, in the last 30 days, no messages have been received or read from this topic.查看消息图表,在过去 30 天内,没有收到或阅读此主题的消息。

Why are there 368 incoming and successful requests, if nothing is being written to/read from this topic?如果没有向该主题写入/读取任何内容,为什么会有 368 个传入和成功的请求?

This is an expected behavior for incoming requests.这是传入请求的预期行为。

Even though there are no messages sending to service bus , the Scale Unit (which hosts the service bus) will always send requests to service bus for health check / polling purpose(I'm not very sure about this, just a guess).即使没有消息发送到service busScale Unit (托管服务总线)也会始终向service bus发送请求以进行health check / polling (我对此不太确定,只是猜测)。

You can check this behavior by setting Diagnostic settings for azure service bus .您可以通过设置azure service busDiagnostic settings来检查此行为。 For example, you can send the OperationalLogs to azure blob storage or azure log analytics , then you can check the OperationalLogs later.例如,您可以将OperationalLogs发送到azure blob storageazure log analytics ,然后您可以稍后查看OperationalLogs Like below(here, I send the logs to azure blob storage ):如下所示(这里,我将日志发送到azure blob storage ):


Then wait for a few minutes, go to the azure blob storage -> find the container named insights-logs-operationallogs which is auto-created, and it's structrue like SUBSCRIPTIONS / RESOURCEGROUPS / PROVIDERS / NAMESPACES / year / month / hour / day / hour -> then there should be an append blob similar to PT1H.json .然后等待几分钟,go 到azure blob storage -> 找到自动创建的名为 insight insights-logs-operationallogs的容器,其结构类似于SUBSCRIPTIONS / RESOURCEGROUPS / PROVIDERS / NAMESPACES / year / month / hour / day / hour -> 那么应该有一个类似于PT1H.json的 append blob。 You can download it and check the logs there.您可以下载它并检查那里的日志。 The log looks like below:日志如下所示:


Inside the log, you can see that the caller rpfrontdoor continues sending requests to service bus .在日志中,您可以看到caller rpfrontdoor继续向service bus发送请求。

Added a detailed log message here:在此处添加了详细的日志消息:

{ "Environment": "PROD", "Region": "Central US", "ScaleUnit": "PROD-DM2-006", "ActivityId": "e203b024-48dc-44d3-b5eb-e345c090676c", "EventName": "Retrieve Namespace", "resourceId": "/SUBSCRIPTIONS/xxx/RESOURCEGROUPS/xxx/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.SERVICEBUS/NAMESPACES/HDUAIDHWUAYDQHD", "SubscriptionId": "xxx", "EventTimeString": "4/15/2021 9:22:27 AM +00:00", "EventProperties": "{"SubscriptionId":"xxxx","Namespace":"hduaidhwuaydqhd","Via":"https://hduaidhwuaydqhd.servicebus.windows.net/$Resources/topics?api-version=2017-04&$skip=0&$top=100","TrackingId":"e203b024-48dc-44d3-b5eb-e345c090676c_M7SN1_M7SN1_G7"}", "Status": "Succeeded", "Caller": "rpfrontdoor", "category": "OperationalLogs"} { “环境”:“PROD”,“地区”:“美国中部”,“ScaleUnit”:“PROD-DM2-006”,“ActivityId”:“e203b024-48dc-44d3-b5eb-e345c090676c”,“EventName”: “检索命名空间”、“resourceId”:“/SUBSCRIPTIONS/xxx/RESOURCEGROUPS/xxx/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.SERVICEBUS/NAMESPACES/HDUAIDHWUAYDQHD”、“SubscriptionId”:“xxx”、“EventTimeString”:“2021 年 4 月 15 日 9: 22:27 AM +00:00", "EventProperties": "{"SubscriptionId":"xxxx","Namespace":"hduaidhwuaydqhd","Via":"https://hduaidhwuaydqhd.servicebus.windows.net/$资源/主题?api-version=2017-04&$skip=0&$top=100","TrackingId":"e203b024-48dc-44d3-b5eb-e345c090676c_M7SN1_M7SN1_G7"}", "Status": "Succeeded", "Caller" :“rpfrontdoor”,“类别”:“操作日志”}

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