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如何从 mysql 中的 group by 和 groupconcat 其他字段中获取最大值?

[英]How to get max value from group by and groupconcat other field in mysql?

I tried to get the max value corresponding row and group_concat all the email address.我试图获取所有 email 地址的最大值对应的行和 group_concat。

MySql table: MySql表:

id  firstName LastName  email         value
1   John      Seam      sa@gmail.com   450
2   John      Seam      js@yahoo.com    0  
3   Richard   Min       aa@gmail.com    0 

expected output:预期 output:

id  firstName LastName   email                          value
1   John      Seam      sa@gmail.com|js@yahoo.com       450
3   Richard   Min       aa@gmail.com                     0 

I tried the following query:我尝试了以下查询:

select id,firstName,LastName,group_concat(email) ,max(value) 
from table 
group by firstName,LastName

but it gave wrong result:但它给出了错误的结果:

id  firstName LastName   email                          value
2   John      Seam      sa@gmail.com|js@yahoo.com       450
3   Richard   Min       aa@gmail.com                     0 

instead of id 1 I am getting id 2. If I remove the group_concat it gives the correct output.而不是 id 1 我得到 id 2。如果我删除 group_concat 它会给出正确的 output。

If you want the id of the row with the max value then use GROUP_CONCAT() for the ids ordered by value DESC and take the first one of the result with the function SUBSTRING_INDEX() :如果您想要具有value的行的id ,则将GROUP_CONCAT()用于按value DESC排序的 id,并使用 function SUBSTRING_INDEX()获取结果的第一个:

       firstName, LastName,
       GROUP_CONCAT(email SEPARATOR '|') email,
       MAX(value) value
FROM tablename
GROUP BY firstName, LastName

See the demo .请参阅演示

id ID firstName LastName mail邮件 value价值
1 1 John约翰 Seam接缝 sa@gmail.com|js@yahoo.com sa@gmail.com|js@yahoo.com 450 450
3 3 Richard理查德 Min aa@gmail.com aa@gmail.com 0 0

This answers the original version of the question.这回答了问题的原始版本。

Your query is malformed -- the select is inconsistent with the group by .您的查询格式不正确 - selectgroup by不一致。 I would suggest a very different approach:我会建议一种非常不同的方法:

select t.*,
       (select group_concat(t2.email)
        from table t2
       ) as emails
from table t
order by value desc
limit 1;

select id,firstName,LastName,group_concat(email),max(value) from table group by firstName,LastName select id,firstName,LastName,group_concat(email),max(value) from table group by firstName,LastName

You can use something like this, if you have more than one row with 450, you will need to add also a rownumber to it你可以使用这样的东西,如果你有不止一行 450,你还需要添加一个行号

CREATE TABLE Table1 (`id` int, `firstName` varchar(7), `LastName` varchar(4), `email` varchar(12), `value` int); INSERT INTO Table1 (`id`, `firstName`, `LastName`, `email`, `value`) VALUES (1, 'John', 'Seam', 'sa@gmail.com', 450), (2, 'John', 'Seam', 'js@yahoo.com', 0), (3, 'Richard', 'Min', 'aa@gmail.com', 0);
 SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`firstName`, t1.`LastName`,mailG,max_value FROM Table1 t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT `firstName`, `LastName`,GROUP_CONCAT(`email` SEPARATOR ' | ') mailG, MAX(`value`) max_value FROM Table1 GROUP BY `firstName`, `LastName`) t2 ON t1.`firstName` = t2.`firstName` AND t1.`LastName` = t2.`LastName` AND t1.`value` = t2.max_value
 id |编号 | firstName |名字 | LastName |姓氏 | mailG |邮件G | max_value -: |:-------- |:------- |:-------------------------- |最大值 -: |:-------- |:-------- |:-------------------------- | --------: 1 | --------: 1 | John |约翰 | Seam |接缝 | sa@gmail.com | sa@gmail.com | js@yahoo.com | js@yahoo.com | 450 3 | 450 3 | Richard |理查德 | Min |最小 | aa@gmail.com | aa@gmail.com | 0 0

db<>fiddle here db<> 在这里摆弄

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