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包含 header 文件的路径

[英]The path to include header files

Assuming there is C:\somelib\headerfromsomelib.h .假设有C:\somelib\headerfromsomelib.h I used to put on my project.pro the following我以前在我的project.pro上放了以下

INCLUDEPATH += C:\somelib

And on file.cpp I will putfile.cpp我会放

#include "headerfromsomelib.h" 

Then hitting F2 over it will led me to that header file.然后F2将我带到 header 文件。

In another approach I can, instead, add C:\somelib to the INCLUDE environment variable.在另一种方法中,我可以将C:\somelib添加到INCLUDE环境变量中。 So its not necessary to add anything to the pro file.所以没有必要在 pro 文件中添加任何东西。 And it still builds.它仍然在构建。 I found this approach interesting since it adds flexibility, in a project with multiple developers everyone will be able to have somelib in a different path.我发现这种方法很有趣,因为它增加了灵活性,在一个有多个开发人员的项目中,每个人都可以在不同的路径中使用somelib

However hitting F2 on the include line on QtCreator will not led me to the header file anymore.但是,在 QtCreator 的包含行上F2不会再将我带到 header 文件。 Am I missing something or this is a downside of the this approach?我是否遗漏了什么或者这是这种方法的缺点?

A more reliable way of using environment variables for library paths is to create environment variables for each library.将环境变量用于库路径的一种更可靠的方法是为每个库创建环境变量。 Eg create an environment variable SOMELIB_PATH then you can do:例如创建一个环境变量SOMELIB_PATH然后你可以这样做:


This can be extended for libraries you need to link to as well:这也可以扩展到您需要链接到的库:

LIBS += -L$$(SOMELIB_PATH)/lib -lsomelib

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