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[英]Is this a secure way to authenticate users?

I am running a small local HTTP server that allows me to manage config files via GET requests.我正在运行一个小型本地 HTTP 服务器,它允许我通过 GET 请求管理配置文件。 However, this action should require a password, so I came up with the following solution:但是,此操作需要密码,因此我想出了以下解决方案:

Let's say the password is test123 .假设密码是test123 I hashed the password using SHA-512 and saved it to a.txt-file on my web server.我使用 SHA-512 对密码进行哈希处理,并将其保存到我的 web 服务器上的 .txt 文件中。 When I want to get the config file main.json , I would send this request:当我想获取配置文件main.json时,我会发送这个请求:

Is this a secure way of doing it?这是一种安全的方式吗?

No, because as you can see, the credentials are being displayed on the url, use POST instead.不,因为如您所见,凭据显示在 url 上,请改用 POST。

No, you should use https instead and a POST request to avoid printing the passphrase in the url.不,您应该改用 https 和 POST 请求,以避免在 url 中打印密码。

As long as you use http, every connection or connection attempt could suffer under a man-in-the-middle attack.只要您使用 http,每次连接或连接尝试都可能受到中间人攻击。 Use of https and proper certificate pinning could avoid this使用 https 和正确的证书固定可以避免这种情况

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