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如何在我的 Cloud-Run Flask 应用程序中获取用户的 IP 地址?

[英]How can I get the user's IP-Address in my Cloud-Run Flask app?

I have a Flask app running via Google Cloud Run and I need to know the user's IP-Address.我有一个通过 Google Cloud Run 运行的 Flask 应用程序,我需要知道用户的 IP 地址。 I am using gunicorn as my Server.我正在使用 gunicorn 作为我的服务器。 I have tried the following code:我尝试了以下代码:

request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr)

It is returning this IP-Address: which is not mine.它正在返回这个 IP 地址: ,这不是我的。 Is this maybe the IP of a Load-Balancer between the app and the user?这可能是应用程序和用户之间负载平衡器的 IP 吗?

And is there a way to get the correct IP-Address without having to use additional Services?有没有办法在不使用额外服务的情况下获得正确的 IP 地址?

You have headers provided by Google.您有 Google 提供的标题。 In my tests I got these 2:在我的测试中,我得到了这两个:

X-Forwarded-For: [MyPubliCIp, LoadBalancerIp,MyPubliCIp]
Forwarded: [for="MyPubliCIp";proto=http]

Use them as you want.随心所欲地使用它们。

In Cloud Run, inside a Flask route I've done this:在 Cloud Run 中,在 Flask 路线内,我已经这样做了:

ip = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", request.remote_addr)
logging.info(f"IP ADDRESS: {ip}")

With this I can get the requester public IP address.有了这个,我可以获得请求者公共 IP 地址。

request.remote_addr works in servers like App Engine. request.remote_addr 适用于 App Engine 等服务器。

I am running my service in Google App Engine, and did not get any of the above working, but this did work.我在 Google App Engine 中运行我的服务,并没有得到上述任何工作,但这确实有效。

ip = request.headers['X-Appengine-User-Ip']

This answer is to supplement copy paste-able code to the accepted answer provided by guillaume blaquiere.该答案是对 guillaume blaquiere 提供的已接受答案的补充复制粘贴代码。 Code you could use in flask to get the client source IP address from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header:代码您可以在flask中获取客户来源ZA12A3079E14CED46E6E6BA52B8A90B21AZ从X-Forwarded-For Forwarded Z293C93C99998598598598559855985985985985985959985DDC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FC6FCFC6FCFC6FCFCNFCNFCNFCNFCFCFCFCFCFCFCAFCENFCENFCENFCNFCAFCNFCAFCER

forwarded_header = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
if forwarded_header:                                  
    source_ip = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0]


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