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[英]How to find the currently installed channel for microk8s

microk8s has been installed on an ubuntu machine. microk8s已安装在 ubuntu 机器上。 What is the command line to find the currently installed channel?查找当前安装的频道的命令行是什么?

You could try the below, this displays all the versions/channels, at the bottom you can see the version, somewhere in between in the o/p, there is a tracking field as shown below which should indicate the channel snap is tracking (you installed).你可以试试下面的,这会显示所有版本/频道,在底部你可以看到版本,在 o/p 之间的某个地方,有一个如下所示的跟踪字段,它应该指示频道快照正在跟踪(你安装)。

snap info microk8s

output: output:

 snap-id:     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
tracking:     1.19/edge
refresh-date: today at 17:49 IST
  1.16/beta:        v1.16.15 2020-09-04 (1671) 179MB classic
  1.16/edge:        v1.16.15 2020-09-02 (1671) 179MB classic
  1.15/stable:      v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1301) 171MB classic
  1.15/candidate:   v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1301) 171MB classic
  1.15/beta:        v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1301) 171MB classic
  1.15/edge:        v1.15.11 2020-03-26 (1301) 171MB classic
  1.14/stable:      v1.14.10 2020-01-06 (1120) 217MB classic
  1.14/candidate:   ^                                
  1.14/beta:        ^                                
  1.14/edge:        v1.14.10 2020-03-26 (1303) 217MB classic
  1.13/stable:      v1.13.6  2019-06-06  (581) 237MB classic
  1.13/candidate:   ^                                
  1.13/beta:        ^                                
  1.13/edge:        ^                                
  1.12/stable:      v1.12.9  2019-06-06  (612) 259MB classic
  1.12/candidate:   ^                                
  1.12/beta:        ^                                
  1.12/edge:        ^                                
  1.11/stable:      v1.11.10 2019-05-10  (557) 258MB classic
  1.11/candidate:   ^                                
  1.11/beta:        ^                                
  1.11/edge:        ^                                
  1.10/stable:      v1.10.13 2019-04-22  (546) 222MB classic
  1.10/candidate:   ^                                
  1.10/beta:        ^                                
  1.10/edge:        ^                                
installed:          v1.20.5             (2094) 218MB classic

reference: https://microk8s.io/docs/setting-snap-channel参考: https://microk8s.io/docs/setting-snap-channel

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