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如何在 TGrid 的单元格中渲染 TBitmap 图像?

[英]How to render a TBitmap image in a cell of a TGrid?

I am rendering the content of a database table in a TGrid , which works fine.我在TGrid中渲染数据库表的内容,效果很好。 Now I would like to show an image of a trash can on every row as a button to delete the row.现在我想在每一行上显示一个垃圾桶的图像作为删除该行的按钮。 How can this be done?如何才能做到这一点?

There are several ways to paint an image in a Grid.有几种方法可以在网格中绘制图像。 In cases, where the images will be loaded at runtime eg from a database, I prefer to use the OnDrawColumnCell event:如果图像将在运行时加载,例如从数据库中加载,我更喜欢使用OnDrawColumnCell事件:

procedure TForm1.Grid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Canvas: TCanvas;
  const Column: TColumn; const Bounds: TRectF; const Row: Integer;
  const Value: TValue; const State: TGridDrawStates);
  bmp: TBitmap;
  if Column.Name = 'ImageColumn1' then
    bmp := ImageList1.Bitmap(Bounds.Size, Row mod ImageList1.Count);
    if assigned(bmp) then
      Canvas.DrawBitmap(bmp, bmp.Bounds, Bounds, 1);

This example expects an ImageList1 with several preloaded images.此示例需要一个带有多个预加载图像的ImageList1 It draws all images into the column with the name ImageColumn1 .它将所有图像绘制到名为ImageColumn1的列中。 To take your images from the database, replace the line with the bmp access.要从数据库中获取图像,请将该行替换为bmp访问权限。

Update at 18-Apr-21: 21 年 4 月 18 日更新:

If you simply want to show a trash icon or eg a status icon, you can put an image list on the form.如果您只是想显示一个垃圾桶图标或状态图标,您可以在表单上放置一个图像列表。 Add a TImageColumn or TGlyphColumn (eg as column number 2) and fill the image in this event into the cell:添加一个TImageColumnTGlyphColumn (例如作为列号 2)并将此事件中的图像填充到单元格中:

procedure TForm1.Grid1GetValue(Sender: TObject; const ACol, ARow: Integer;
  var Value: TValue);
  if ACol = 2 then
    Value := ImageList1.Bitmap(Bounds.Size, <NumberOfBitmapWithinImageList>);

For a trash icon, you can write your delete action into the following event method:对于垃圾桶图标,您可以将删除操作写入以下事件方法:

procedure TForm1.Grid1CellClick(const Column: TColumn; const Row: Integer);
  if Column = ImageColumn1 then
    ShowMessage('Row ' + Row.ToString + ' clicked');

try this code on event onDrawColumnCell在事件 onDrawColumnCell 上尝试此代码

if stgMain.Cells[0, Row] = 'isImage' then begin
  Bounds.Location := PointF(Bounds.Location.X, Bounds.Location.Y + ((Bounds.Height - Bounds.Width) / 2));

  Bounds.Width := Bounds.Width;
  Bounds.Height := Bounds.Width;

  Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Bitmap;
  Canvas.Fill.Bitmap.WrapMode := TWrapMode.TileStretch;

  Canvas.FillRect(Bounds, 0, 0, AllCorners, 1);

  Canvas.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap := FMain.img.Bitmap(Bounds.Size, 2);

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