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将多个工作簿合并到一个 Excel 工作簿中

[英]combine multiple workbooks in one excel-workbook

I want to combine the first sheet of multiple workbooks into one master workbook.我想将多个工作簿的第一张合并到一个主工作簿中。 The data is always structured in the same manner.数据始终以相同的方式结构化。 In addition to this, I want an extra sheet in my master workbook where all the data is summarized (to add up all the numbers of each sheet,eg 1+1+1=3).除此之外,我想在我的主工作簿中添加一张额外的表格,其中汇总了所有数据(将每张表格的所有数字相加,例如 1+1+1=3)。

So far I started with this code.到目前为止,我从这段代码开始。 Yet, I have no idea how to summarize in VBA with different workbooks (that is why it not included in the code)然而,我不知道如何在 VBA 中用不同的工作簿进行总结(这就是为什么它没有包含在代码中)

thanks in advance folks!在此先感谢各位!

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim directory As String
Dim myFiles As String
Dim targetwb As Workbook
Set targetwb = ThisWorkbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

directory = "C:\Dokumente\"
myFiles = Dir(directory & "*.xlsx")

'Loop through all files in a folder until DIR cannot find anymore

Do While myFiles <> ""

'Open Workbooks one by one 'Do i really have to use the "set command"???
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=directory & myFiles)

'The actual action



If wb.Name = "Brazil*" Then
Worksheets("Status Overview").Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Brazil")
End If


If wb.Name = "Kosovo*" Then
Worksheets("Status Overview").Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Kosovo")
End If

'United States:

If wb.Name = "United States*" Then
Worksheets("Status Overview").Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("United States")
End If


myFiles = Dir


Application.ScreenUpdating = True```

Run this in a Workbook with one sheet name Summary.在具有一个工作表名称摘要的工作簿中运行此操作。

Option Explicit

Sub Summarize()

    Const FOLDER = "C:\Dokumente\"
    Const WS_NAME = "Status Overview"
    Dim wbIn As Workbook, wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, ar, s
    Dim filename As String, msg As String
    Dim copied As Collection
    Set copied = New Collection

    ar = Array("Brazil", "Kosovo", "United States")
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    filename = Dir(FOLDER & "*.xlsx")
    Do While filename <> ""
        For Each s In ar
            If LCase(filename) Like LCase(s) & "*" Then
                Set wbIn = Workbooks.Open(FOLDER & filename, True, True) ' update links, read only
                wbIn.Sheets(WS_NAME).Copy after:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count)
                wbIn.Close False
                wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count).Name = s
                copied.Add s
                msg = msg & vbCrLf & s
            End If
        filename = Dir

    ' build =SUM() formula
    Dim f As String, sep As String, rng As Range
    f = "=SUM("
    For Each s In copied
        f = f & sep & "'" & s & "'!RC"
        sep = ","
    f = f & ")"

   ' range to summate on summary sheet
    Set rng = wb.Sheets("Summary").Range("A10:E20")

    ' apply sum formula to range
    rng.FormulaR1C1 = f
    'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox "Imported :" & msg, vbInformation

End Sub

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