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[英]Can't route VLAN with UCOPIA

I'm writing to you because I can't solve a problem with a client.我给你写信是因为我无法解决客户的问题。

My client has an infrastructure with the following characteristics:我的客户有一个具有以下特征的基础设施:

  • 2 ISP routers 2个ISP路由器
  • 1 fortigate firewall 1 加强防火墙
  • 1 dedicated router that broadcasts a UCOPIA US250 guest portal 1 个广播 UCOPIA US250 访客门户的专用路由器
  • 65 Zyxel switches (1900 - 24) and one 4600 switch (4x 24 ports for the core network) 65 台 Zyxel 交换机 (1900 - 24) 和 1 台 4600 交换机(4x 24 端口用于核心网络)
  • 80 VLANs 80 个 VLAN

I do not manage the first 3 equipments, it is another provider.我不管理前 3 台设备,它是另一个供应商。

Today, I have to pass the VLAN dedicated to the guests.今天,我要通过专用于客人的VLAN。 The other provider has set up the FORTIGATE to broadcast the DHCP and the associated VLAN on the DMZ port to the OUT port of the UCOPIA.另一家提供商已设置 FORTIGATE 将 DMZ 端口上的 DHCP 和关联的 VLAN 广播到 UCOPIA 的 OUT 端口。 I have to broadcast VLAN 420 from the IN port to the ZYXEL switch and to the LIGOWAVE terminals.我必须将 VLAN 420 从 IN 端口广播到 ZYXEL 交换机和 LIGOWAVE 终端。

However, when I am connected to the UCOPIA on the IN port, I manage to get the desired IP and to reach the portal, but when I test on the ZYXEL switch, it is impossible to get the dedicated VLAN.但是,当我在 IN 端口上连接到 UCOPIA 时,我设法获得所需的 IP 并到达门户,但是当我在 ZYXEL 交换机上测试时,无法获得专用 VLAN。 I put myself on another port of the ZYXEL, I TAG the VLAN in question.我把自己放在 ZYXEL 的另一个端口上,我 TAG 有问题的 VLAN。 I have modified the ID of my VLAN on my computer in DHCP that does not work.我在 DHCP 中修改了我的计算机上我的 VLAN 的 ID,但它不起作用。 I tried to use static IP but still nothing.我尝试使用 static IP 但仍然没有。 I can't even ping the gateway.我什至无法ping通网关。 The ZYXEL port to which the UCOPIA is connected is TAGGED on the dedicated VLAN. UCOPIA 所连接的 ZYXEL 端口在专用 VLAN 上进行了标记。 I have also tried Untagged and excluding all the other VLANs but it is impossible to get this network.我也尝试过 Untagged 并排除所有其他 VLAN,但无法获得此网络。

Do you have any other ideas for me?你对我有什么其他想法吗?

Here, you can see my diagram network: MyNetwork在这里,你可以看到我的图表网络: MyNetwork

I resolved my problem.我解决了我的问题。

I configured Switch like that:我这样配置 Switch:

  • Untagged dedicated VLAN未标记的专用 VLAN

But i forgot to change the PVID VLAN.但是我忘记更改 PVID VLAN。

I changed it and that work !我改变了它并且工作!

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