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HTML 文件未在 JMETER 中生成

[英]HTML File is not generating in JMETER

Hello I am using this command to generate the HTML report of my results from JMETER and everytime I get the below error when I try to run the command.您好,我正在使用此命令生成 JMETER 的结果的 HTML 报告,并且每次尝试运行该命令时都会出现以下错误。

An error occurred: Unknown arg: Ahmad\Datum\Automation\Results\result1.csv errorlevel=1发生错误:未知参数:Ahmad\Datum\Automation\Results\result1.csv errorlevel=1

As per Generation from an existing sample CSV log file user manual entry the command should be something like:根据现有示例 CSV 日志文件用户手册条目的生成,命令应类似于:

jmeter -g "C:\Users\Rana Hadaiq Ahmad\Datum\Automation\Results\result1.csv" -o "C:\somefolder\where\you\want\dashboard\to\be\generated"

If you have spaces or other special characters in the path to your.csv results file - surround everything with quotation marks如果您的.csv 结果文件的路径中有空格或其他特殊字符 - 用引号将所有内容括起来

Another possible reason is that your version of JMeter doesn't have this HTML reporting dashboard generation feature, it is available since JMeter 3.0 so if you're using an older version - you will need to upgrade, moreover according to JMeter Best Practices you should be always using the latest version of JMeter Another possible reason is that your version of JMeter doesn't have this HTML reporting dashboard generation feature, it is available since JMeter 3.0 so if you're using an older version - you will need to upgrade, moreover according to JMeter Best Practices you should始终使用最新版本的 JMeter

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