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linux 的图形差异工具,支持自动换行/换行

[英]graphical difftool for linux that supports word wrap/line break

Using Ubuntu Linux 20.04 I would like to use a graphical diff tool (like Meld, Kdiff3, Kompare, etc.) that supports automatic line breaks.使用 Ubuntu Linux 20.04 我想使用支持自动换行符的图形差异工具(如 Meld、Kdiff3、Kompare 等)。 What I mean by that is that I would like to see the entire text in the graphical window that's available to me, without the need of scrolling horizontally, as this is incredibly painful when using text (scientific papers) with very long lines (ie, long paragraphs).我的意思是,我希望在可用的图形 window 中看到整个文本,而无需水平滚动,因为在使用非常长的行(即,长段落)。

I've checked all "top X diff tools" webpages and tried more than 10 graphical diff tools.我检查了所有“顶级 X 差异工具”网页并尝试了 10 多种图形差异工具。 NONE of them supports automatic word wraps/line breaks (or however they are called).它们中没有一个支持自动换行/换行(或者它们被称为)。 In all of them, long lones are just endlessly long lines.在所有这些中,长长的孤独只是无穷无尽的长线。

Fun fact: I know that meld did support this at some point, but apparently it does not anymore, for some extremely weird reason they've just removed this feature.有趣的事实:我知道meld 在某些时候确实支持此功能,但显然它不再支持了,出于某种非常奇怪的原因,他们刚刚删除了此功能。

To be more precise, kdiff3 actually does support this, but it seems that it does not allow to edit the text being displayed, which is another extremely essential feature since diff tools get "confused" very easily, so one needs to constantly do some minor alterations to the text so that the differ keepz regognizing similarities.更准确地说,kdiff3 确实支持这一点,但它似乎不允许编辑正在显示的文本,这是另一个非常重要的功能,因为 diff 工具很容易“混淆”,所以需要不断地做一些小事对文本的更改,以便不同的keepz 识别相似之处。

So, can anybody recommend such a tool to me?那么,有人可以向我推荐这样的工具吗? It's driving me crazy that I can't use a differ anymore...我不能再使用差异了,这让我发疯了......

One possible answer, though that is technically not what I'm looking for since it's not a GUI (though I only said "graphical", which it is, I did technically not restrict to GUI -- although I meant that) is icdiff .一个可能的答案,虽然这在技术上不是我正在寻找的,因为它不是一个 GUI(虽然我只说“图形”,但我在技术上并没有限制到 GUI——尽管我的意思是)是icdiff It puts the two texts onto the terminal, but highlights differences in color (with the demanded line wrap).它将两个文本放在终端上,但突出显示颜色差异(使用所需的换行)。

It was recommended in another stackoverflow post , which you should probably vote on (question + answer) if you find this helpful.另一个 stackoverflow 帖子中推荐了它,如果您觉得这有帮助,您可能应该投票(问题 + 答案)。

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