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[英]Enable and Disable TLS and SSL in IE on windows 10 local machine(not windows server) using powershell

I've been reading some articles and Microsoft docs and looking at some StackOverflow questions to change/toggle tls and ssl settings in internet explorer(IE) in Advanced Tab but these scripts got me nowhere.我一直在阅读一些文章和 Microsoft 文档,并查看一些 StackOverflow 问题以在高级选项卡中的 Internet Explorer(IE)中更改/切换 tls 和 ssl 设置,但这些脚本让我无处可去。 Till now I've tried Enable TLS and Disable SSL via PowerShell script到目前为止,我已经尝试通过 PowerShell 脚本启用 TLS 和禁用 SSL

https://medium.com/think-stack/disabling-tls-1-0-on-your-workstations-eb8377a2bd09 https://medium.com/think-stack/disabling-tls-1-0-on-your-workstations-eb8377a2bd09

and some other scripts which have pointed me to the same directory.以及其他一些将我指向同一目录的脚本。

A registry is being made at that path but tls and ssl settings do not change.正在该路径上创建注册表,但 tls 和 ssl 设置不会更改。

Please, help me where am I making mistake.请帮助我我在哪里犯错。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。


The reg key for IE TLS and SSL setting is under this path: IE TLS 和 SSL 设置的 reg 键位于此路径下:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings


The reg key is SecureProtocols .注册密钥是SecureProtocols Each protocol you circle in the picture modifies the same registry key, the DWORD value will be a hexadecimal sum of the decimal value of each check box.您在图中圈出的每个协议修改了相同的注册表项,DWORD 值将是每个复选框的十进制值的十六进制和。 You can check/uncheck the options in IE setting to observe how the SecureProtocols value is changing.您可以选中/取消选中 IE 设置中的选项以观察SecureProtocols值的变化情况。

For example, if you want to check all the options, the value should be 0x00002aa0 (10912) .例如,如果要检查所有选项,则值应为0x00002aa0 (10912) The PowerShell script should be like this: PowerShell 脚本应该是这样的:

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' -name 'SecureProtocols' -value '0x00002aa0' -Type DWord
Write-Host 'Enable All'

The other situations are similar, you just need to change the value of the reg key.其他情况类似,只需要更改 reg 键的值即可。

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