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如何在 Eclipse e4 应用程序的菜单/工具栏中创建切换/收音机项目?

[英]How to create a toggle/radio item in the menu/toolbar of an Eclipse e4 application?

What is the canonical way of creating a menu item that implements a toggle or radio state in an eclipse e4 rcp application?在 eclipse e4 rcp 应用程序中创建实现切换或无线电 state 的菜单项的规范方法是什么?

It seems such a basic thing, but all the documentation I found relies on e3 API and creates dependencies to org.eclipse.ui, which is not allowed in e4.这似乎是一个基本的东西,但我发现的所有文档都依赖于 e3 API 并创建对 org.eclipse.ui 的依赖关系,这在 e4 中是不允许的。

One possible way that I use for a radio button menu which saves the radio button state in the part class.我用于单选按钮菜单的一种可能方式,它将单选按钮 state 保存在 class 部分中。

I use multiple Direct Menu Item entries with the type set to Radio .我使用类型设置为Radio的多个Direct Menu Item条目。

I set a Tag value (on the supplementary page of the menu item) to the value I want to associate with the menu item.我将标签值(在菜单项的补充页面上)设置为我想与菜单项关联的值。

I use the same handler for all of the menu items.我对所有菜单项使用相同的处理程序。

In the handler I inject the MPart and the MItem :在处理程序中,我注入MPartMItem

public void execute(final MPart part, final MItem mitem)
  // Only take action on the selected radio item

  if (!mitem.isSelected())

  // The tag value specifying the radio state

  String tag = mitem.getTags().get(0);

  // Get the part class

  MyPart myPart = (MyPart)part.getObject();

  // tell the part about the state change


Instead of the MPart you could also use any class that is in the Eclipse Context - such as one declared as @Creatable and @Singleton .除了MPart ,您还可以使用 Eclipse 上下文中的任何 class - 例如声明为@Creatable和 @Singleton 的任何@Singleton

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