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[英]How to attach source code of libraries downloaded with ivy

I use ivy with the ivy eclipse plugin to download dependencies. 我使用ivy和ivy eclipse插件来下载依赖项。 Works great. 效果很好。 But how can I attach the source code for those libraries, in order to step into these libraries? 但是,我如何附加这些库的源代码,以便进入这些库?


<dependencies defaultconfmapping="*->default,sources">


I use the IvyDE plugin, and it seems to automatically download and attach sources. 我使用IvyDE插件,它似乎自动下载和附加源。 I'm using Eclipse Kepler with Apache IvyDE 2.2.0. 我正在使用Eclipse Kepler和Apache IvyDE 2.2.0。 I didn't have to do anything special in my ivy.xml file or in my Ant build: it just works. 我没有在ivy.xml文件或我的Ant构建中做任何特殊的事情:它只是起作用。

There is a preferences page that might relate to this. 有一个可能与此相关的首选项页面。 For me, it's Window > Preferences > Ivy > Source/Javadoc Mapping: 对我来说,它是Window> Preferences> Ivy> Source / Javadoc Mapping:


Those settings affect your entire workspace. 这些设置会影响整个工作区。

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