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带有下拉菜单的 PrimeNG 工具栏按钮出现在错误的位置

[英]PrimeNG toolbar button with dropdown appears in the wrong place

I've made a stackblitz example here to show the issue: https://stackblitz.com/edit/primeng-toolbar-demo-u21zmt?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html我在这里做了一个 stackblitz 示例来说明问题: https://stackblitz.com/edit/primeng-toolbar-demo-u21zmt?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html

When clicking the remove button the popup menu shows in the wrong place.单击删除按钮时,弹出菜单显示在错误的位置。


I don't want to have to write custom CSS to position the menu every time I want to use it.我不想每次我想使用菜单时都将自定义 CSS 写入 position 菜单。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Switch the order in your html so在您的 html 中切换顺序

    <p-button class="p-mr-2" #removeBtn type="button" icon="pi pi-chevron-down" label="Remove"
    <p-menu #removeMenu [model]="removeMenuItems" [popup]="true" appendTo="removeBtn"></p-menu>


    <p-menu #removeMenu [model]="removeMenuItems" [popup]="true" appendTo="removeBtn"></p-menu>
    <p-button class="p-mr-2" #removeBtn type="button" icon="pi pi-chevron-down" label="Remove"

This will make the menu appear under "remove"这将使菜单出现在“删除”下

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