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我已经在 Windows 服务器 2019 上安装了 Apache 服务器,并试图限制 phpMyAdmin 从服务器外部访问

[英]I have installed Apache server on Windows server 2019 and am trying to restrict phpMyAdmin from access outside of server

I have installed Apache.我已经安装了 Apache。 php and MariaDB on Windows server 2019. No xampp, wamp or any other platform installer. Windows 服务器 2019 上的 php 和 MariaDB。没有 ZD985279A18DE3E6380EE39939 或任何其他平台What I am trying to do is restrict opening of phpmyadim from out side of the server while allowing accessto the LMS.我要做的是限制从服务器外部打开 phpmyadim,同时允许访问 LMS。 PhpMyAdmin along with a production LMS site are located in the htdocs folder. PhpMyAdmin 以及生产 LMS 站点位于 htdocs 文件夹中。 Currently the LMS is open on the local area network as is phpmyadmin.目前LMS在局域网上是开放的,phpmyadmin也是。 I am assuming changes will have to be made in httpd-vhosts.conf file but having no luck.我假设必须在 httpd-vhosts.conf 文件中进行更改,但没有运气。 In previous install I have used xampp.在之前的安装中,我使用了 xampp。

To set it up as a alias which is normal I think, in httpd.conf add an include like要将其设置为我认为正常的别名,请在 httpd.conf 添加一个包含

Include "C:/folder_above_DocumentRoot_for_security/alias/phpMyAdmin.conf"

Then the conf file looks like然后conf文件看起来像

Alias /phpmyadmin "c:/Wherever/YouInstalled/phpmyadmin/"

<Directory "c:/Wherever/YouInstalled/phpmyadmin/">
    Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
    Require local

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