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使用 slickR 调整雪佛龙和幻灯片之间的空间

[英]Adjust space between chevron and slide using slickR

I am using Rmarkdown and slickR to create a carousel of images.我正在使用 Rmarkdown 和 slickR 创建图像轮播。 How do I adjust the space between the left chevron and the left edge of the slide?如何调整左 V 形和幻灯片左边缘之间的空间?


  title: Carousel test
  Here is a carousel

```{r, label='HIS-table', echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results="asis"}

num_slides <- 3

filenames <- c(

slickR(obj = filenames, height = 300, width = "95%") +
  settings(dots = TRUE)
There was a carousel

If you adjust the width to 70%, the margin becomes smaller and so on.如果将宽度调整为 70%,边距会变小,依此类推。 I also saw some auto margin settings here, https://yonicd.github.io/slickR/articles/doms.html .我还在这里看到了一些自动边距设置, https://yonicd.github.io/slickR/articles/doms.html Might be able to explicitly set the margins that way.可能能够以这种方式明确设置边距。

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