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在前端显示 CSS 变量的值

[英]Displaying value of a CSS Variable in Frontend

I am trying to setup a general Style Guide for my design system.我正在尝试为我的设计系统设置通用样式指南。 I am using CSS Variables for the defined colors like我正在为定义的 colors 使用 CSS 变量,例如

:root { --accent: #234a32; --accent-alt:#826284 }

I want to display a square in the frontend where I would use the variable as background color but also display the hexvalue in it in order to be able to copy it.我想在前端显示一个正方形,我将在其中使用变量作为背景颜色,但还要在其中显示十六进制值以便能够复制它。

<div style="background-color: var(--accent)">#234a32</div>

So the question is, how can I get the hexcode (in this case #234a32) dynamically to be displayed.所以问题是,我怎样才能动态显示十六进制代码(在本例中为#234a32)。

So first off, your root is wrong.所以首先,你的根是错误的。

:root { --accent: #234a32; --accent-alt:#826284 }

Second you will need to use data-attributes.其次,您将需要使用数据属性。 (unless you wanna do some janky regex to find the var values) (除非你想做一些 janky regex 来查找 var 值)

    style="background-color: var(--accent)"
var els = document.querySelectorAll('.js-populate-var');

els.forEach(el => {
  el.innerHTML = getComputedStyle(el)

https://codepen.io/michaelmano/pen/poRqPVj https://codepen.io/michaelmano/pen/poRqPVj

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