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如何检测结尾有空格的单词(Regex - C#)

[英]How to detect words with space at the end (Regex - C#)

I have created this Regex Pattern (?=[Ss]table[:])(.*) , which "detect" these words:我创建了这个正则表达式模式(?=[Ss]table[:])(.*) ,它“检测”这些词:

Stable       <--- Here is one space at the end
stable       <--- Here is one space at the end

The Patter does not detect these words which are without space at the end: Patter 没有检测到这些末尾没有空格的单词:


What should I change to detect and these two Words!我应该改变什么来检测和这两个字!

You can use this:你可以使用这个:

 (?=[Ss]table([ :]|$))(.*)

Al I have changed is:我改变的是:

([ :]|$)

That will look ahead for a space, a colon OR end of line - assuming you use 'multiline' option.假设您使用“多行”选项,这将向前看一个空格、一个冒号或行尾

When you add this in string, for examle with name str:当您将其添加到字符串中时,例如名称为 str:

string str= "Stable";
            if (str[str.Length - 1] == ' ')
                your block of code;

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