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如何在将 DOM 元素添加到 HTML 之前对其进行操作?

[英]How do I manipulate a DOM Element before it is even added to the HTML?

The code: https://codepen.io/furkancodes-the-typescripter/pen/QWdYgzp?editors=1010代码: https://codepen.io/furkancodes-the-typescripter/pen/QWdYgzp?editors=1010

Preface: I have been trying to code this Library app, I am using innerHTML to write all the css when the book is added to the library.前言:我一直在尝试编写这个图书馆应用程序,当书籍添加到图书馆时,我正在使用 innerHTML 编写所有 css。 It works, but when I implemented the "delete", it deletes the row when clicked on the delete icon, however, since I set the delete to "display" which is half of the screen, wherever you click, the "book deleted" error comes up and I know the reason why, it is because I set it to "display"(which is the contents of the library!)它可以工作,但是当我实现“删除”时,它会在单击删除图标时删除该行,但是,由于我将删除设置为“显示”,即屏幕的一半,无论您单击何处,“书已删除”出现错误,我知道原因,这是因为我将其设置为“显示”(这是库的内容!)

There comes is problematic and confusing part for me;对我来说有问题和令人困惑的部分;

row.innerHTML creates a div class called "book" and it contains the all of the book information and displays it on the "display" however, I only to select "book" class and I write; row.innerHTML 创建一个名为“book”的 div class ,它包含所有书籍信息并将其显示在“显示器”上,但是,我只对 select “book” ZA2F2ED4F8EBC2CBB4C21A29DC40AB61 和 write;

const book = document.querySelector('.book');

// and here I add the codes to delete that book row

but book.AddEvent always return "null" and it makes sense because it is not there in the first place...但是 book.AddEvent 总是返回“null”,这是有道理的,因为它一开始就不存在......

The main question and solution to my problem too: That is why I Am trying to learn about how do I touch a class before even it is initiliazed.我的问题的主要问题和解决方案也是:这就是为什么我试图了解如何在 class 启动之前触摸它。 Because I want to select that "book" class which holds all the information, but I just can't.因为我想 select 那个“书” class 包含所有信息,但我不能。

Some other thing I Will try if all else fails: Last thing I thought but did not do was ditching all of the row.innerHTML element, and writing and appending each of the elements in my book library such as AUthor, title etc and appending them one by one.如果一切都失败了,我会尝试的其他一些事情:我想但没有做的最后一件事是放弃所有 row.innerHTML 元素,并在我的图书库中编写和附加每个元素,例如作者、标题等并附加它们逐个。 But this will take a while.但这需要一段时间。

Sorry for the long post, I hope I made myself clear and I would appreciate if I gotta fix something in my thought-process.很抱歉这篇长文,我希望我能说清楚,如果我在思考过程中需要解决一些问题,我将不胜感激。

There are two issues in your code:您的代码中有两个问题:

  1. you are trying get .book element before it's added into new row您正在尝试在将.book元素添加到新row之前获取它
  2. you are using document.querySelector() , which will search entire document and return first found instance of the query.您正在使用document.querySelector() ,它将搜索整个文档并返回第一个找到的查询实例。 Instead use row.querySelector() , which will only search current book (obviously after 1. is fixed)而是使用row.querySelector() ,它只会搜索当前书籍(显然在 1. 之后是固定的)

So your addBookToLibrary() should look something like this:所以你的addBookToLibrary()应该是这样的:

  addBookToLibrary(book) {
    const list = document.querySelector('.display-lib');
    const row = document.createElement('th');

    row.innerHTML = `
  <div class="book"> 
   <div class="title">Title: ${book.title}</div>
   <p class="author">Author: ${book.author}</p>
  <p class="pages">Pages: ${book.pages}</p>
  <p class="pages">Notes: ${book.notes}</p>
  <span class="read_toggle_label">Mark as read:</span>
         <label class="switch">
        <input type="checkbox">
        <span class="slider round"></span>
  <a href="#" class="delete"></a>
   const bookTh = row.querySelector('.book');


 addBookToLibrary(book) { const shelf = document.querySelector('#book-list'); const row = document.createElement('th'); row.innerHTML = ` <div class="book"> <div class="title">Title: ${book.title}</div> <p class="author">Author: ${book.author}</p> <p class="pages">Pages: ${book.pages}</p> <p class="pages">Notes: ${book.notes}</p> <span class="read_toggle_label">Mark as read:</span> <label class="switch"> <input type="checkbox"> <span class="slider round"></span> </label> <a href="#" class="delete"></a> </div> `; const dlt = row.querySelector('.delete'); dlt.addEventListener('click', function (e) { //first get the UI const ui = new UI(); ui.deleteBook(e.target); ui.showAlertDelete('book removed', 'success'); }) shelf.appendChild(row); }

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