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[英]Configure the administrative account

I'm deploying openstack- stein version on ubuntu pro 18.04 LTS.我在 ubuntu pro 18.04 LTS 上部署 openstack-stein 版本。

I come across these lines when configuring keystone - identity service, as of this article .截至本文为止,我在配置 keystone-identity 服务时遇到了这些问题。

Would anybody please explain how to set this following configuration:有人请解释如何设置以下配置:

$ export OS_USERNAME=admin
$ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
$ export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
$ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v3

If I'm already in root mode, is there any need to these env variables?如果我已经处于 root 模式,是否需要这些环境变量?

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Whether you are root or not has no meaning for the openstack command.你是否是 root 对openstack命令没有任何意义。 The OpenStack admin user has nothing to do with the Linux root user. OpenStack admin 用户与 Linux root 用户无关。

You don't need the variables, but your command line becomes very long without them, for example openstack --os-username=admin --os-password=ADMIN_PASS --os-project-name=admin --os-user-domain-name=Default --os-project-domain-name=Default --os-auth-url=http://controller:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version=3 server list .您不需要变量,但是没有它们,您的命令行会变得很长,例如openstack --os-username=admin --os-password=ADMIN_PASS --os-project-name=admin --os-user-domain-name=Default --os-project-domain-name=Default --os-auth-url=http://controller:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version=3 server list These variables are the most convenient way to tell the openstack command under which identity it should perform its actions.这些变量是告诉openstack命令它应该以哪个身份执行其操作的最方便的方法。

How to set them?如何设置它们? Type them on the command line, but the most common method is putting them in a file that you source .在命令行中键入它们,但最常见的方法是将它们放在您的源文件中 You can then have several such files for several different identities, such as the admin and demo identities in the linked document, which allows you to quickly switch from one identity to the other.然后,您可以将多个此类文件用于多个不同的身份,例如链接文档中的admindemo身份,这使您可以快速从一种身份切换到另一种身份。

In short, put those commands in admin-openrc.sh , then source admin-openrc.sh when you need to use openstack-cli with administrative account.简而言之,将这些命令放在admin-openrc.sh中,然后在需要以管理帐户使用source admin-openrc.sh -cli 时获取 admin-openrc.sh 。

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