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每秒读取一次读数时发出一次警报 Python

[英]Alerting one time on a reading taken every second Python

I am working on a Raspberry Pi 4B and have a BME680 Air Quality sensor hooked up.我正在研究 Raspberry Pi 4B 并连接了 BME680 空气质量传感器。 My reading are taken every second and written to a MySQL database.我的读数每秒读取一次并写入 MySQL 数据库。

I want to be able to alert if the air quality, temp, etc. gets out of optimal range.如果空气质量、温度等超出最佳范围,我希望能够发出警报。 The issue I am having is the sensor takes a reading every second so if I try to build an alert it goes off every second until the range is back to optimal.我遇到的问题是传感器每秒读取一次,所以如果我尝试建立警报,它会每秒关闭一次,直到范围恢复到最佳状态。 I am wondering how to alert only if the values change outside of a range.我想知道如何仅在值更改超出范围时发出警报。

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import time
import board
from busio import I2C
import adafruit_bme680
import subprocess
import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime

#SQL Setup
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
# Create library object using our Bus I2C port
i2c = I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
bme680 = adafruit_bme680.Adafruit_BME680_I2C(i2c, debug=False)

# change this to match the location's pressure (hPa) at sea level
bme680.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25

# You will usually have to add an offset to account for the temperature of
# the sensor. This is usually around 5 degrees but varies by use. Use a
# separate temperature sensor to calibrate this one.
temperature_offset = -1

while True:
    now = datetime.now()
    formatted_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
#    print("\nTemperature: %0.1f C" % (bme680.temperature + temperature_offset))
#    print("Gas: %d ohm" % bme680.gas)
#    print("Humidity: %0.1f %%" % bme680.relative_humidity)
#    print("Pressure: %0.3f hPa" % bme680.pressure)
#    print("Altitude = %0.2f meters" % bme680.altitude)
#    print (formatted_date)
    tmp = (bme680.temperature + temperature_offset)
    real_temp = (tmp * 1.8) + 32
#    print(real_temp)
    gas = (bme680.gas)
    humid = (bme680.relative_humidity)
    pres = (bme680.pressure)
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
    sql = "INSERT INTO data (Temperature, Gas, Humidity, Pressure, DT) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
    val = (real_temp, gas, humid, pres, formatted_date)
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
##    if ( tmp > 19 ):
##        subprocess.call(['python3', 'alert.py'])
#    else:
#        print ("nothing to do")

Here is my code.这是我的代码。 Again I do not want to call my alert.py every second that would over whelm the server I am alerting, I am hoping to alert once when the temp drops below 19 degrees Celsius.同样,我不想每秒钟都调用我的alert.py ,这会使我正在警告的服务器不堪重负,我希望在温度降至 19 摄氏度以下时发出一次警报。

Thank you谢谢

You can add a function to get the range in which the temperature is present.您可以添加 function 以获取存在温度的范围。 If the range has changed, send the alert again.如果范围已更改,请再次发送警报。 Your state is the range in which your temperature falls.您的 state 是您的温度下降范围。

Please see below:请看下面:

import bisect
temp_ranges = [15, 20, 25, 30]
temp_states = ['Severe', 'Normal', 'Rising', 'High', 'Gonna Blow up!']

def get_range(temp):
    return bisect.bisect_left(temp_ranges, temp)

for temp in [10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 35]:
    print(f'Temp is: {temp}: Label is {temp_states[get_range(temp)]}')

Then call the function in your while True loop once you have calculated the temperature tmp .计算出温度tmp后,然后在while True循环中调用 function 。 Like so:像这样:

state = temp_states[get_range(tmp)]
if state is not previous_state:
    subprocess.call(['python3', 'alert.py'])
    previous_state = state # define previous_state = None before your loop begins.
    print ("nothing to do")

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