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AWS 负载均衡器附加:80 到 url 上 http 到 https 301 重定向

[英]AWS Load Balancer appends :80 to url on http to https 301 redirect

When I go to my example application: https://example.com/r/123 it works as expected.当我 go 到我的示例应用程序时: https://example.com/r/123它按预期工作。

If I go to http://example.com/r/123 it seems the load balancer changes the url to https://example.com:80/r/123 . If I go to http://example.com/r/123 it seems the load balancer changes the url to https://example.com:80/r/123 .


Is it possible to make AWS not add the port( :80 ) in the redirect?是否可以让 AWS 不在重定向中添加端口( :80 )?


My problem was solved by changing the server IP to instead of the default value of localhost in the nuxt server config.我的问题通过将服务器 IP 更改为0.0.0.0而不是 nuxt 服务器配置中localhost的默认值来解决。

// nuxt.config.js
server: {
    host: '',

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