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使用 Semantic UI React 加载屏幕

[英]Loading screen using Semantic UI React

I'm trying to display a loading screen while the rest of the App complete loading using Semantic UI React.我正在尝试在应用程序的 rest 使用 Semantic UI React 完成加载时显示加载屏幕。

The problem is that when i load the page it shows only the text "Loading" and it renders the Loader properly only after a few seconds like if it didn't have any css.问题是,当我加载页面时,它只显示文本“正在加载”,并且它仅在几秒钟后正确呈现加载器,就像它没有任何 css 一样。 The purpose of having a loader is that it has to be in front of the page while other content renders but if it has the same problem I don't know how to show content only when it rendered and ready to be displayed.拥有加载器的目的是它必须在页面前面,而其他内容呈现,但如果它有同样的问题,我不知道如何仅在内容呈现并准备好显示时显示内容。

I'm using this code from the semantic ui react webpage ( https://react.semantic-ui.com/elements/loader/#types-loader )我正在使用语义 ui 反应网页中的此代码( https://react.semantic-ui.com/elements/loader/#types-loader

function App() {

  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000)
  }, [])
  return (
      <div style={{ display: loading ? "block" : "none" }}>
        <Dimmer active>
          <Loader content='Loading' />


      <div style={{ display: loading ? "none" : "block" }}>
        // Content that needs time to render


export default App;

What can I do in order to display content only when it's done rendering?我该怎么做才能仅在完成渲染时才显示内容?

Try putting it in a Segment .尝试将其放在Segment中。 Furthermore I wouldn't use the technique you use to display or hide things, what I always do is:此外,我不会使用您用来显示或隐藏事物的技术,我总是做的是:

{condition && <Component />}

So in this case your code would be:因此,在这种情况下,您的代码将是:

{loading === true && <Segment><Dimmer active><Loader content='Loading' /></Dimmer></Segment>}


{loading === false && <>
    {/* Content that needs time to render */}

And then of course set loading to false whenever your API calls are finished.然后当然在您的 API 调用完成时将loading设置为 false。

I hope this helps you and answers the question, if not please point it out:).我希望这可以帮助您并回答问题,如果没有,请指出:)。

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