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从 response.text() 中提取 ID

[英]Extract Id's from response.text()

I want to extract all the values of id's from the following response (finding).我想从以下响应(查找)中提取 id 的所有值。


findings= requests.get('https://api.probely.com/targets/TaargetID/findings/36',headers={"Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "JWT <Token>"})



I want to get an array of id's like this: id=[79,12,32] How can I extract these Id's and store in an array?我想得到一个这样的 id 数组: id=[79,12,32]如何提取这些 Id 并存储在数组中?

You can use iteration to go over each item in "results", then save the IDs to an array.您可以对“结果”中的每个项目使用 go 迭代,然后将 ID 保存到数组中。

id_list = []

for result in finding["results"]:

I'd also like to point out that you shouldn't call any variable id as it is a built in Python function, overwriting it could have bad consequences.我还想指出,您不应该调用任何变量id ,因为它是内置的 Python function,覆盖它可能会产生不良后果。

You can try it:你可以试试:

ids = list(map(lambda res: res["id"], finding["results"]))

What type of "results" key?什么类型的“结果”键? "id" field occurs several times “id”字段出现多次

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