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'float' object 不可下标。 循环并保存到 csv 错误

[英]'float' object is not subscriptable. Looping and saving to csv error

I want to loop over some list object, and to save the result to .csv file.我想遍历一些列表 object,并将结果保存到.csv文件中。

When I run my code:当我运行我的代码时:

    for i in dfxz:
           meanVal = np.mean(dfxz[i])
           varianceVal = np.var(dfxz[i])
           skewVal = skew(dfxz[i])
           kurtVal = kurtosis(dfxz[i])
               csv = open('tabel.csv', 'a')
                   str(meanVal) + ',' + str(varianceVal) + ',' + str(skewVal[0]) + ',' + str(kurtVal[0]) + ',' + '1' + '\n'
           except IOError as error:
               print('failed to print', error)

I receive the following error message:我收到以下错误消息:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-12-4c672d5a979c> in <module>
      8         csv = open('tabel.csv', 'a')
      9         csv.write(
---> 10             str(meanVal) + ',' + str(varianceVal) + ',' + str(skewVal[0]) + ',' + str(kurtVal[0]) + ',' + '1' + '\n'
     11         )
     12     except IOError as error:

TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable

I already converted my pandas.DataFrame into int values from float , but with no avail.我已经将我的pandas.DataFramefloat转换为int值,但无济于事。

What do I do wrong?我做错了什么?


meanVal = np.mean(dfxz[i])
varianceVal = np.var(dfxz[i])
skewVal = skew(dfxz[i])
kurtVal = kurtosis(dfxz[i])

you extract the values from the list, and here:您从列表中提取值,在这里:

... str(skewVal[0]) ...

and here:和这里:

... str(kurtVal[0]) ...

you try to extract a value in the position 0 from value, so you receive the aforementioned exception.您尝试从值中提取 position 0中的值,因此您收到上述异常。


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