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React.js 如何在组件内循环和渲染组件?

[英]React.js How to loop and render component inside component?

I'm trying to render components according to the data list.我正在尝试根据数据列表呈现组件。 The data list include a list of address and records, in each address records, it contains one or multiple member records.数据列表包括地址和记录列表,在每个地址记录中,它包含一个或多个成员记录。 The data structure looks like this:数据结构如下所示:

addressData:{addressNo:... },

I want to render like this:我想这样渲染:

<member1 of address 1>
<member2 of address 1>
<member1 of address 2>
<member2 of address 2>
<member3 of address 2>
class AddressMembersTable extends React.Component {
    addressMembersViews = () => this.props.combineData.map((combineData, index) => {
        return (
            <Container layout="vbox">
                    ref={'memberField_' + index}
                   memberData = {combineData.memberDataList}


I tried to loop the memberDataList for the MemberField components, but only AddressField is able to show.我试图为 MemberField 组件循环 memberDataList,但只有 AddressField 能够显示。 How can i render the components correctly?如何正确渲染组件?

You will map it the say way you did this.props.combineData .你会 map 说你做this.props.combineData的方式。 Array.prototype.forEach is a void return . Array.prototype.forEach是一个 void return You need to return the array of JSX you mapped to.您需要返回映射到的 JSX 数组。

{combineData.memberDataList.map((memberData, index) => (
    ref={'memberField_' + index}
    memberData = {combineData.memberDataList}

You are using the wrong list function.您使用了错误的列表 function。

map - transforms a list map - 转换列表

forEach - performs side effects with each list item forEach - 对每个列表项执行副作用

const list = [1, 2, 3]
const double = n => n * 2

const a = list.map(double)
console.log(a) // [2, 4, 6]

const b = list.forEach(double)
console.log(b) // undefined

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