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[英]Construct String from Binary Tree

A bit of a newbie to computing science.有点像计算科学的新手。

I have the basics for a binary tree in Python:我有 Python 中二叉树的基础知识:

class TreeBinary:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

This works well on insertion to popularize the tree:这在插入以普及树时效果很好:

root = TreeBinary(1)
root.left = TreeBinary(2)
root.right = TreeBinary(3)
root.right.right = TreeBinary(4)

One of the challenges that I am trying to discover is how to print this tree in order to show the sub-trees if there is one in the following model:我试图发现的挑战之一是如何打印此树以显示子树(如果以下 model 中有一个):

(1 (2 () ()) (3 () (4 () ())))
(2 () ())
(3 () (4 () ()))

I was able to print, but not in this format with these spaces between the sub-trees:我能够打印,但不能以这种格式打印,子树之间有这些空格:

def show_aux(root):
    if not root:
        return ''
    string = str(root.data)
    if root.left or root.right:
        string += '(' + show_aux(root.left) + ')'
        string += '('
        string += ')'
    if root.right:
        string += '(' + show_aux(root.right) + ')'
        string += '('
        string += ')'
    return string
def show(root):
    print('(' + show_aux(root) + ')')

My results are coming out this way:我的结果是这样出来的:


I would like a direction to print in the expected format with the spaces between the sub-trees.我想要一个以预期格式打印的方向,子树之间有空格。


Add spaces before every ( like this在每个之前添加空格(像这样

def show_aux(root):
    if not root:
        return ''
    string = str(root.data)
    if root.left or root.right:
        string += ' (' + show_aux(root.left) + ')' #Space before '('
        string += ' (' #Space before '('
        string += ')'
    if root.right:
        string += ' (' + show_aux(root.right) + ')' #Space before '('
        string += ' (' #Space before '('
        string += ')'
    return string
def show(root):
    print('(' + show_aux(root) + ')')

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