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如何编组包含 function 指针的 ac/cpp 结构?

[英]How do I Marshal a c/cpp struct containing a function pointer?

Good Morning, I am attempting to create a C# dot net core wrapper for the Audio functionality of SDL.早上好,我正在尝试为 SDL 的音频功能创建一个 C# 点网核心包装器。 In particular, I am attempting to create a wrapper for https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_LoadWAV特别是,我正在尝试为https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_LoadWAV创建一个包装器

The existing code is:现有代码是:

To represent the non basic types being marshalled:表示正在编组的非基本类型:

    public delegate void SDL_AudioCallback(IntPtr userdata, byte[] stream,out int len);
    public struct SDL_AudioSpec
        public int freq;
        public ushort format;
        public byte channels;
        public byte silence;
        public ushort samples;
        public UInt32 size;
        public IntPtr callback;
        IntPtr userdata;
    public class SDL_AudioSpecPtr
        public readonly IntPtr NativePointer;

        public SDL_AudioSpecPtr(IntPtr pointer)
            NativePointer = pointer;

        public static implicit operator IntPtr(SDL_AudioSpecPtr Sdl2Window) => Sdl2Window.NativePointer;
        public static implicit operator SDL_AudioSpecPtr(IntPtr pointer) => new SDL_AudioSpecPtr(pointer);

Importing the Method signature:导入方法签名:

private delegate SDL_AudioSpec SDL_LoadWAV_t(string file, IntPtr spec, byte[] audio_buf, out UInt32 audio_len);
private static SDL_LoadWAV_t s_sdl_LoadWAV = LoadFunction<SDL_LoadWAV_t>("SDL_LoadWAV");
public static void SDL_LoadWAV(string file, IntPtr spec, byte[] audio_buf, out UInt32 audio_len) => s_sdl_LoadWAV(file,spec,audio_buf,out audio_len);

Attempting to call the function yields null exception:尝试调用 function 会产生 null 异常:

SDL_AudioSpec spec = new SDL_AudioSpec();
byte[] bytes=new byte[20000];
uint len;
SDL_AudioSpec* specptr = &spec;
Sdl2Native.SDL_LoadWAV(@"G:\Assets\sfx_movement_jump2.wav", (IntPtr)specptr, bytes, out len);

You should rely more heavily on the CLR's marshalling rather than doing your own, it's a lot easier to make serious errors.您应该更多地依赖 CLR 的编组而不是自己做,这样更容易犯严重错误。


  • Strings need marshalling to ANSI with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]字符串需要使用[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]编组为 ANSI

  • You shouldn't just convert & pointer to * like that, the struct needs marshalling.您不应该像那样将&指针转换为* ,该结构需要编组。

  • A callback given to unmanaged code needs to be held onto, so that the GC doesn't sweep it away.需要保留给非托管代码的回调,以便 GC 不会将其扫除。

It's unclear why you have a LoadFunction setup rather than just using standard P/Invoke, but I've run with that.目前尚不清楚为什么您有一个LoadFunction设置,而不仅仅是使用标准 P/Invoke,但我已经使用它了。

So the delegate should be所以代表应该是

private static SDL_AudioSpec SDL_LoadWAV_t(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string file,
    in SDL_AudioSpec spec,
    ref byte[] audio_buf,
    out UInt32 audio_len);

and then SDL_AudioSpec struct should declare the callback然后SDL_AudioSpec结构应该声明回调

public SDL_AudioCallback callback;

The callback is wrong also: len is not a out parameter, it is by-value;回调也是错误的: len不是out参数,它是按值; and it's unclear if stream should be ref or out or in , I think out .我认为stream应该是ref还是out还是in还不清楚out

public delegate void SDL_AudioCallback(IntPtr userdata, out byte[] stream, int len);

Depending on how long the callback is being used for, you need to hold onto it根据回调的使用时间,您需要坚持使用它

  • If it is just used within a single call, and is not held by unmanaged code, then place GC.KeepAlive(callback);如果它只是在单个调用中使用,并且未被非托管代码持有,则放置GC.KeepAlive(callback); after the call通话后
  • If unmanaged code holds it further then you would need to store it in a field somewhere, where you can guarantee it will not be deleted by GC before the last callback如果非托管代码进一步持有它,那么您需要将其存储在某个字段中,您可以保证在最后一次回调之前它不会被 GC 删除

Your calling code is then:您的调用代码是:

var callbackDlgt = new SDL_AudioCallback(myCallbackFunction);
SDL_AudioSpec spec = new SDL_AudioSpec{
    callback = callbackDlgt,
// set other values here
byte[] bytes = new byte[20000];
Sdl2Native.SDL_LoadWAV(@"G:\Assets\sfx_movement_jump2.wav", in specptr, ref bytes, out uint len);

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