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Xpath:获取按钮包含特定文本的前一个 span 元素

[英]Xpath: Getting preceding span element where a button contains specific text

Trying to get the Button with span and text equals "Delete" as per below xpath selector for a later click尝试根据下面的 xpath 选择器获取具有跨度和文本等于“删除”的按钮,以便稍后单击


But it does not work.但它不起作用。 Html is below. Html 如下。 How do i get the preceding element for click?如何获取点击的前面元素?

<oj-button :class="[['button-' + actionButton.data.style]]" chroming="full" on-oj-action="[[(event) => { handleActionButtonItem(
                )}]]" class="button-warn oj-button oj-button-full-chrome oj-button-text-only oj-enabled oj-complete oj-default">

                <!--oj-bind-text value='[[actionButton.data.name]]'--><!--ko text:actionButton.data.name--><!--/ko--><!--/oj-bind-text-->
              <div style="display: none;"></div><button class="oj-button-button" aria-labelledby="_ojcustomelem2902|text"><div class="oj-button-label"><span><span class="oj-button-text" id="_ojcustomelem2902|text">Delete</span></span></div></button></oj-button>

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for something like如果我理解正确,您正在寻找类似的东西


Try it on your actual html and see if it works.在您的实际 html 上试一试,看看它是否有效。

Something like this像这样的东西


Or if that span always has class="oj-button-text"或者,如果该跨度始终具有 class="oj-button-text"

//button[.//span[@class='oj-button-text' and .='Delete']]

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