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如何检查字符串是否包含在数组中? discord.js

[英]How to check if a string is included in an array? discord.js

Basically I am trying to make a discord bot to make trivia questions by showing an embed and awaiting the answer, I have put the answers in an array in a separate file, the possibleAnswersF is the array that includes the answers that give you 5 points, and the possibleAnswersT is the array that includes the answers that give you 10, and possibleAnswers is the array that includes all of the answers, I tried to use possibleAnswersF.includes(collected) but it wouldn't work, I tried to make collected an array and use includes() the other way but it jumped to catch() instead.基本上,我正在尝试制作一个 discord 机器人来通过显示嵌入并等待答案来制作琐事问题,我已将答案放在单独文件中的数组中, possibleAnswersF是包含答案的数组,给你 5 分,并且possibleAnswersT是包含给你 10 的答案的数组,而 possibleAnswers 是包含所有答案的数组,我尝试使用possibleAnswersF.includes(collected)但它不起作用,我试图收集一个数组并以另一种方式使用includes() ,但它跳转到了catch()

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
//const talkedRecently = new Set();
const Characters = require('../../triviacharacterlist');
const points = require('../../points.json');
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = {
    commands : ['trivia', 't'],
    minArgs : 0,
    maxArgs : 0,
    callback : (msg, arguments, text) => {
      function TriviaGuess(possibleAnswers, possibleAnswersF, possibleAnswersT, CharacterImgDir) {
        const guessCharacterString = "Guess character bo3";
        let pointAmt1 = 5;
        let pointAmt2 = 10;

        const triviaEmbed = new MessageEmbed()


        const filter = m => possibleAnswers.some(answer => m.content.toLowerCase().includes(answer));
        msg.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, time: 15000, errors: ['time'] })
            .then(collected => {
                    const fivePoint = `**Congrats**, ${collected.first().author} you got **5** points for guessing the character only!`;
                    const tenPoint = `**Congrats**, ${collected.first().author} you got **10** points for also guessing the series/game!`;
                        if (possibleAnswersF.includes(collected)) {
                            points[msg.author.id] = {
                                points: points[msg.author.id].points + pointAmt1
                            fs.writeFile('./points.json', JSON.stringify(points), (err) => {
                                if (err) {
                        if (possibleAnswersT.includes(collected)) {
                            points[msg.author.id] = {
                                points: points[msg.author.id].points + pointAmt2
                            fs.writeFile('./points.json', JSON.stringify(points), (err) => {
                                if (err) {
            .catch(collected => msg.channel.send('too bad u took too long ya 3am'));
      var characterRandom = 0;//Math.floor(Math.random() * 0);
      if (characterRandom == 0) {
        TriviaGuess(Characters.CreeperVariants, Characters.CreeperVariantsF, Characters.CreeperVariantsT, Characters.CharacterImgs.creeperimg);

The other file that has the arrays:具有 arrays 的另一个文件:

const CreeperVariants = [
    'creeper minecraft',
    'creeper mc'

const CreeperVariantsF = [

const CreeperVariantsT = [
    'creeper minecraft',
    'creeper mc'

collected is a Collection extending Map, not a string. collected的是扩展 Map 的集合,而不是字符串。 You would need to check collected.first().content .您需要检查collected.first().content Use Array#some() with String#includes to check if any of the array elements are found in the string.使用Array#some()String#includes来检查是否在字符串中找到任何数组元素。

if (possibleAnswersF.some(ans => collected.first().content.includes(ans))) {
   // Your code

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