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使用 ServiceWorker 拦截和重定向请求

[英]Using ServiceWorker to intercept and redirect requests

I've been asked to create a service worker which will have the ability to intercept requests and redirect them to stored mock data.我被要求创建一个服务工作者,它能够拦截请求并将它们重定向到存储的模拟数据。 I have never done something like this before so I am struggling a bit.我以前从来没有做过这样的事情,所以我有点挣扎。 The service worker is activated when testMode=true is added to the URL.当 testMode=true 被添加到 URL 时,Service Worker 被激活。 I have 2 files for dealing with.我有 2 个文件要处理。 This is what I have so far:这是我到目前为止所拥有的:


class TestMode {
    constructor() {
        if (!this.isEnabled()) {

        if (!('serviceWorker' in navigator)) {
            console.log('Browser does not support service workers');


    private init(): void {
            .catch((error) => { throw new Error('Service Worker registration failed: ' + error.message); });

        navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', event => {
            // event is a MessageEvent object
            console.log(`The service worker sent me a message: ${event.data}`);

        navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then( registration => {
            if (!registration.active) {
                console.log('failed to communicate')


            registration.active.postMessage("Hi service worker");

    private handleRegistration(registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration): void {

        console.log('Registration successful, scope is:', registration.scope);

    private isEnabled(): boolean {
        return locationService.hasParam('testMode');

export default new TestMode();


const CACHE_NAME = 'mockData-cache';

const MOCK_DATA: Record<string, string> = {
    '/units/all?availability=Active&roomTypeHandle=kitchens': 'mock-data/unitData.json',
    '/frontal-ranges/kitchens?' : 'mock-data/kitchensData.json',
    '/carcase-ranges/?availability=Active&roomTypeHandle=kitchens' : 'mock-data/carcaseRangesData.json'

self.addEventListener('install', event => {
    console.log('Attempting to install service worker and cache static assets');
            .then(cache => {
                return cache.addAll(Object.values(MOCK_DATA));

self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
    console.log('Claiming control');
    return self.clients.claim();
self.addEventListener( "fetch", event => {
    console.log('WORKER: Fetching', event.request);

What I have so far works, the service worker is registered and that mock data json files are stored in the cache.到目前为止我所做的工作,服务工作者已注册,并且模拟数据 json 文件存储在缓存中。

What I am not sure what to do is when a certain request is made, the service worker will use the mock data stored in the cache instead.我不确定该怎么做是,当发出某个请求时,服务工作者将使用存储在缓存中的模拟数据。

For example, how can I get it so that when the request is made for: /units/all?availability=Active&roomTypeHandle=kitchens the service worker will redirect to mock-data/unitData.json in the cache instead?例如,我怎样才能得到它,以便在发出请求时: /units/all?availability=Active&roomTypeHandle=kitchens 服务工作者将重定向到缓存中的 mock-data/unitData.json ?

I hope I've made sense, any help would be really appreciated, this is all new to me.我希望我说得通,任何帮助都会非常感激,这对我来说都是新的。

The logic around handling incoming requests and generating responses (either from the cache, network, or some combination of the two) needs to be implemented in your fetch event handler .处理传入请求和生成响应(来自缓存、网络或两者的某种组合)的逻辑需要在您的fetch事件处理程序中实现。

Here's how I'd structure your fetch handler given your cache contents and use case:考虑到您的缓存内容和用例,这是我如何构建您的fetch处理程序:

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  // Using a URL object will make routing easier.
  const url = new URL(event.request.url);
  const pathAndQuery = url.pathname + url.search;

  if (pathAndQuery in MOCK_DATA) {
    const cacheKey = MOCK_DATA[pathAndQuery];
      caches.match(cacheKey, {
        cacheName: CACHE_NAME,

  // If pathAndQuery isn't in MOCK_DATA, then respondWith()
  // won't be called, and the default network behavior will
  // be used for this request.

You might be able to use a library like https://mswjs.io/ as an alternative to writing this by hand, but that's the general idea if you decide to do it yourself.您也许可以使用https://mswjs.io/ 之类的库来替代手动编写此代码,但如果您决定自己编写,这是一般的想法。

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