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outlook 插件不起作用 outlook 桌面客户端使用反应 js

[英]outlook add-in is not working outlook desktop client using react js

Outlook add-in is not working on the outlook desktop client us the error SCRIPT5022: Office.js has not fully loaded. Outlook 加载项无法在 outlook 桌面客户端上运行,我们出现错误 SCRIPT5022:Office.js 尚未完全加载。 Your app must call "Office.onReady()" as part of it's loading sequence (or set the "Office.initialize" function).您的应用程序必须调用“Office.onReady()”作为其加载序列的一部分(或设置“Office.initialize”函数)。 If your app has this functionality, try reloading this page.如果您的应用具有此功能,请尝试重新加载此页面。

You need to specify the Internet Explorer version.您需要指定 Internet Explorer 版本。 It is hard to give the definitive answer when we don't know where exactly an add-in is launched.当我们不知道加载项的确切启动位置时,很难给出明确的答案。

Office Add-in cannot successfully call any Office JavaScript APIs until the library has been loaded.在加载库之前,Office 加载项无法成功调用任何 Office JavaScript API。 Initialize your Office Add-in article describes the two ways your code can ensure that the library has been loaded: 初始化您的 Office 加载项文章描述了您的代码可以确保已加载库的两种方法:

  • Initialize with Office.onReady() .使用Office.onReady()进行初始化。
  • Initialize with Office.initialize .使用Office.initialize进行初始化。

Make sure you have defined any of them in your add-in.确保您已在加载项中定义了它们中的任何一个。

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