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是否有可能证明oddb 0 = true? 库克

[英]Is it possible to prove oddb 0 = true?? coq

I have define an odd like this:我已经定义了一个像这样的奇数:

 Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
  | odd_1 : odd 1
  | odd_S : forall n:nat, odd n -> odd (n + 1).

And below is testing if a number is odd or not.下面是测试一个数字是否为奇数。

Fixpoint oddb (n : nat) { struct n } : bool :=
  match n with
  | 0 => false
  | 1 => true
  | S (S n) => oddb n

I am trying to prove this:我试图证明这一点:

Theorem odd_is_odd:
  forall n, (oddb n = true) -> odd n.
  intros n. induction n.
  - simpl. intro H. exfalso. inversion H.
  - intro H. rewrite s_is_plus_one. constructor. apply IHn. destruct n.

But i got stuck here... it needs me prove oddb 0 = true which is false = true.. is it possible???但我被困在这里......它需要我证明oddb 0 = true 这是false = true ..有可能吗?

1 subgoal
IHn : oddb 0 = true -> odd 0
H : oddb 1 = true
oddb 0 = true

Below is the lemma I used下面是我使用的引理

Lemma s_is_plus_one : forall n:nat, S n = n + 1.
intros. induction n.
 - reflexivity.
 - simpl. rewrite <- IHn. reflexivity.

Your definition of odd seems wrong.您对odd的定义似乎是错误的。 Is it not n+2 .不是n+2吗? Anyway our problem is related to How to prove a odd number is the successor of double of nat in coq?无论如何,我们的问题与如何证明奇数是 coq 中 nat 的 double 的后继有关?

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