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如何支持从 Variant 类型的隐式转换,例如从 int 到 unsigned long?

[英]How to support implicit conversion from a Variant type, e.g. from int to unsigned long?

I'm trying to have my Variant type, a wrapper around c++17's std::variant , implicitly convert between types where appropriate.我试图让我的Variant类型,一个围绕 c++17 的std::variant的包装器,在适当的地方隐式转换类型。 For instance, a char to std::string , or int to unsigned long .例如,将char转换为std::string ,或将int转换为unsigned long Here's my code:这是我的代码:

#include <variant>

using variant_t = std::variant<
        std::string, bool, std::int32_t,
        std::uint32_t, std::int64_t, std::uint64_t,
        float, double, char, unsigned char,

class Variant : public variant_t {

    using variant::variant;

    enum TypeId {
        EMPTY = 0, // std::monostate. Empty is default when variant instantiated with nothing
        STRING = 1,
        BOOL = 2,
        INT32 = 3,
        UINT32 = 4,
        INT64 = 5,
        UINT64 = 6,
        FLOAT = 7,
        DOUBLE = 8,
        CHAR = 9,
        UCHAR = 10,
        DOUBLEVECTOR = 11

    TypeId type() const {
        return (Variant::TypeId) index();

    template<class VariantType>
    VariantType get() const {
        return std::get<VariantType>(*this);

What I want to be able to do is this:我想要做的是:

TEST(VariantTests, HowToConvertIntToULongWithoutManualCast) {
    Variant v(11);
    ASSERT_EQ(v.type(), Variant::TypeId::INT32); // (pass, v is an int)
    unsigned long toUnsignedLong = v; // error
    long toLong = v; // error
    // and any other conversions from int that make sense

How can I modify my Variant to support implicit type conversion?如何修改我的Variant以支持隐式类型转换?


As per the comments, I also need to account for incompatible pairs as well as compatible ones, eg the following would fail.根据评论,我还需要考虑不兼容的对以及兼容的对,例如以下将失败。

Variant v(12); // variant containing an int
std::string x = v; // should error, int to string incompatible

Something along these lines:这些方面的东西:

template <typename T>
struct Visitor {
  template <typename U>
  std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<U, T>, T> operator() (U&& val) {
      return val;

  template <typename U>
  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible_v<U, T>, T> operator() (U&& val) {
      throw std::bad_variant_access{};

template<class VariantType>
VariantType get() const {
    return std::visit(Visitor<VariantType>{}, static_cast<const variant_t&>(*this));


For an operator T () solution based (but with the std::variant as a member, not inherited)对于基于operator T ()解决方案(但以std::variant作为成员,不继承)

  template <typename T>
  operator T () const 
     return std::visit(
        [](auto const & val)
        { if constexpr ( std::is_convertible_v<decltype(val), T> )
             return T(val);
            { throw std::bad_variant_access{}; return T{}; } }, var); 

The following is a full compiling example下面是一个完整的编译示例

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>

using variant_t = std::variant<
        std::string, bool, std::int32_t,
        std::uint32_t, std::int64_t, std::uint64_t,
        float, double, char, unsigned char,

class Variant

      variant_t  var_;

    explicit Variant (variant_t var)
    : var_(std::move(var)){}

      enum TypeId
         EMPTY = 0,
         STRING = 1,
         BOOL = 2,
         INT32 = 3,
         UINT32 = 4,
         INT64 = 5,
         UINT64 = 6,
         FLOAT = 7,
         DOUBLE = 8,
         CHAR = 9,
         UCHAR = 10,
         DOUBLEVECTOR = 11

      TypeId type () const
       { return (Variant::TypeId) var_.index(); }

      template <typename VariantType>
      VariantType get () const
       { return std::get<VariantType>(var_); }

      template <typename T>
      operator T () const 
         return std::visit(
            [](auto const & val)
            { if constexpr ( std::is_convertible_v<decltype(val), T> )
                 return T(val);
                { throw std::bad_variant_access{}; return T{}; } }, var_); 

int main()
   Variant  v{12};

   long l = v;  // compile and works run-time

   std::string s = v; // compile and throw run-time

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