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使用 SKStoreReviewController 时是否需要 Internet 连接?

[英]Do I need an Internet connection when using SKStoreReviewController?

When I'm asking the user to rate my app should I make sure there is an Internet connection?当我要求用户评价我的应用时,我应该确保有互联网连接吗? What happens if there is no Internet?如果没有互联网会发生什么? Apple documentation does not clarify this. Apple 文档没有说明这一点。 Should I assume that it is store locally and when there is a connection it will be updated?我是否应该假设它存储在本地,并且当有连接时它会被更新?

  if let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first(where: { $0.activationState == .foregroundActive }) as? UIWindowScene {
   SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(in: scene)

You don't need to check for internet connectivity first.您无需先检查互联网连接。 Apple will take care of these scenarios and it that's a authentic review it will be added to your app on the store otherwise it will be rejected away, So the whole internet logic is hidden and taken care by the OS itself. Apple 将处理这些情况,这是一个真实的评论,它将被添加到您在商店中的应用程序中,否则它将被拒绝,因此整个互联网逻辑被隐藏并由操作系统本身处理。

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