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SQL - 使联接查询更快

[英]SQL - Make Join Query Faster

I've made a query that selects 2 values from 2 tables.我做了一个查询,从 2 个表中选择 2 个值。 I need to run this query about 32 times when a visitor visits my website.当访问者访问我的网站时,我需要运行此查询大约 32 次。 This makes the page quite slow (it takes over 5 seconds to fully load).这使得页面非常慢(完全加载需要超过 5 秒)。

The query looks like this:查询如下所示:

SELECT tmdb.name, patch.sfo_title
FROM tmdb
ON tmdb.titleid = CONCAT(patch.cusa, '_00')
WHERE cusa = :titleid

is there any way to make this query faster?有什么办法可以让这个查询更快? The query isn't the biggest operation if I look at it, so I'm not really sure why it's so slow?如果我查看它,查询并不是最大的操作,所以我不确定为什么它这么慢?

I would write the query as a left join (out of preference, not performance):我会将查询写为left join (出于偏好,而不是性能):

SELECT t.name, p.sfo_title
     tmdb t
     ON t.titleid = CONCAT(p.cusa, '_00')
WHERE p.cusa = :titleid

Then for performance, I would recommend indexes on patch(cusa, sfo_title) and t(titleid) .然后为了性能,我会推荐patch(cusa, sfo_title)t(titleid)上的索引。

Note that the use of LIMIT without ORDER BY is suspicious, although you might have reasons for it.请注意,使用没有ORDER BYLIMIT是可疑的,尽管您可能有理由这样做。

You are joining two tables based on a CALCULATED field?您要基于一个 CALCULATED 字段连接两个表吗? No wonder it is slow.难怪它很慢。 I have no idea how your tables get maintained, but you need to get that concat'ed value of CUSA into the data base as a separate field and get it indexed, as Gordon Linoff suggested.我不知道您的表是如何维护的,但是您需要将 CUSA 的连接值作为一个单独的字段放入数据库中并对其进行索引,正如 Gordon Linoff 所建议的那样。 You could even maintain it through On Insert and On Update triggers.您甚至可以通过 On Insert 和 On Update 触发器对其进行维护。 Personally, I would examine why you have similar but different keys in your two tables and try to rationalize it down to one.就个人而言,我会检查为什么您的两张表中有相似但不同的键,并尝试将其合理化为一个。 That Concat(CUSA, '_00' ) looks suspiciously like an opportunity to simplify the application. Concat(CUSA, '_00' ) 看起来像是一个简化应用程序的机会。

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