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如何将字符串转换为绑定<date>在 DatePicker SwiftUI 中?</date>

[英]How to convert String to Binding<Date> in DatePicker SwiftUI?

I want to set DatePicker from a String to a certain date when it appears.我想在 DatePicker 出现时将它从 String 设置为某个日期。

@State var staff: Staff
DatePicker(selection: $staff.birthDate, in: ...Date(),displayedComponents: .date) {
            Text("Birth Date:")

What I expect is something like that, but it didn't work because selection requires Binding<Date> and $staff.birthDate is a String.我期望的是类似的东西,但它不起作用,因为选择需要Binding<Date>并且$staff.birthDate是一个字符串。 How do I convert it?我该如何转换它?

I tried to create a func to format it like so:我试图创建一个函数来像这样格式化它:

func formatStringToDate(date: String?) -> Binding<Date> {
     @Binding var bindingDate: Date
     let dateForm = DateFormatter()
     dateForm.dateFormat = "dd-MM-YYYY"
//    _bindingDate = date
     return dateForm.date(from: date ?? "")

But it still doesn't work.但它仍然不起作用。 Any idea on how to solve this?关于如何解决这个问题的任何想法? Or did I approach this wrong?还是我做错了?

Thankyou in advance.先感谢您。

You need to use another date parameter for birth date.您需要为出生日期使用另一个日期参数。 So your Staff class is所以你的员工 class 是

class Staff: ObservableObject {
    @Published var birthDate: String = "02-05-2021"
    @Published var date: Date = Date()
    init() {
        self.date = DateFormatter.formate.date(from: birthDate) ?? Date()

Now create one date formattter in the DateFormatter extension.现在在DateFormatter扩展中创建一个日期格式化程序。

extension DateFormatter {
    static var formate: DateFormatter {
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
        return dateFormatter

Now, in view struct use the .onChange method.现在,在视图结构中使用.onChange方法。 It will execute each time when the date is changed and you need to convert this date to a string and store it in your birthDate string var.每次更改日期时它都会执行,您需要将此日期转换为字符串并将其存储在您的birthDate字符串var中。

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var staff: Staff = Staff()
    var body: some View {
        DatePicker(selection: $staff.date, in: ...Date(),displayedComponents: .date) {
            Text("Birth Date:")
        .onChange(of: staff.date) { (date) in
            staff.birthDate = DateFormatter.formate.string(from: date)

If your project target is from iOS 13 then you can use custom binding.如果您的项目目标来自 iOS 13,那么您可以使用自定义绑定。

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var staff: Staff = Staff()
    var body: some View {
        DatePicker(selection: Binding(get: {staff.date},
                                      set: {
            staff.date = $0;
            staff.birthDate = DateFormatter.formate.string(from: $0)
        }), in: ...Date(),displayedComponents: .date) {
            Text("Birth Date:")

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